Chapter fifteen

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                        "Father, I do want you to meet some." Geppetto was a little surprised when he saw Pinocchio bringing a girl back home. "Hello dear, what's your name?" He asked her gently. "My name is Bella, signore." "That's a lovely name, what brings you here." "My father was arrested and now I don't have a place to go so I was wondering if I could stay with you?" Pinocchio looked up at his father with pleading eyes. "Alright, that's okay with me, and we do have a spare room, which I keep all of my tools and other stuff, we'll make that into a room for you." "Really? Thank you signore, but in the meantime you'll have to sleep in my room, and I'll sleep on the couch." "Are you sure?" "Yes, this is now your home, and I want you to feel welcome here." Bella smiled, and hugged him.

Geppetto hugged her back gently. They all heard the bell chime; it was Sophia coming back to collect her keepsake box. "I'm sorry, signora. I know I told you three days, but it might honestly take longer." "Oh, it's alright signore Geppetto, I've came to ask you something?" "What?" "I wanted to know if you'd like to go out sometime, maybe to have a nice picnic in the park." Pinocchio laughed, seeing his father blushing, Bella elbowed him, glaring a little. Pinocchio fell silently. "Of course I would, could we tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, I can't do tomorrow, the dance recital for my academy is tomorrow at noon." Dance academy? "You run a dance academy?" Pinocchio asked her. "Yes, I do." "Well, my friend Bella here really loves dancing, and maybe she could attend." Bella blushed out of embracement, "I-I'm not very good at it, m-my leg, I can't dance." "Oh, but I don't see your 'leg' being an issue is dancing really a passion of yours?" "Well, it has always been since I was a little kid." "Well, that's all I needed to hear, you're welcome at my dance studio any time, and I could walk you down there now if you like, it's not far at all." Sophia offered her hand. "Okay, I'd love to see your studio." Sophia beamed, upon hearing that.

"Well that's wonderful." "Wait, signora. When are you free?" "I'm free this Saturday in the evening, you can stop by the dance studio if you'd like." Geppetto smiled and watched the two leave. Despite all that he has been through, he knew that towards the need it was worth it, he might not have gotten Elio, but he knew that wishes did come true and of you wish upon a star dreams will come true, it doesn't matter how big or how small. He had everything he could possibly want. A family to call his own. 

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