chapter nine

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              Loss. The only word Geppetto could think of was utter loss. He wiped the remaining tears from his eyes as he breathed heavily. His tears dripped on the picture of his son. No, Pinocchio is still dear him to. He placed the picture flat down, and laid on his bed, facing the ceiling. Elio was dear to him to. He couldn't bear the thought, that he had bear the thought of losing another son. He didn't remember falling asleep that night, but he surely did. When he woke up, the sun was shining and he was sitting in a patch of grass, wow the rows of grass seemed endless.

He could've sworn it was just night. He saw a figure standing before him as it appeared to be... Elio? He smiled, so grateful to see his boy. He ran over to hug him, and held him tightly, allowing the tears to drip. He could actually feel his son, as his son held him lovingly back. They both released each other. "Papa?" "Son?" "You need to let me go." "Why? Why would I forget about you, my dearest son?" He touched Elio's cheek lovingly, tears threating to spill. "I'm dead there's nothing else you can do for me." Geppetto fell to his knees, allowing the tears to roll down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry son, I failed you as a father." "You didn't fail me; you did the best you could." Elio sat down next to him.

"You know what?" "What?" Geppetto placed an arm around him, holding him closer. "I'm proud of you, for taking in Pinocchio." "You are?" "Yes, it was very kind of what you did. I will always be proud of you." "I'm afraid I haven't been a good father, dearest." "Oh, but you have. You have tried. I love you no matter what, and I'm sure Pinocchio feels the same way too." Geppetto smiled, faintly. "It would be nice to see you once more." "I'll always be with you father." He saw Elio stepping up and gracefully fading away, "ELIO! NO DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Geppetto felt himself crying and woke up in cold sweet. He heard, knocking at the door and slipped on his sneakers, and went to answer it.

He didn't know who could want something at this hour, but it was beyond him. He saw Pinocchio standing at the door, thrilled to see his father. "Father!' "Pinocchio? Pinocchio! My boy!" He held Pinocchio so tightly, that not even Pinocchio couldn't breathe. "Father, I'm so sorry." He sniffled, fully in tears. Geppetto kneeled down and smoothed out his son's hair, holding him close.

"There is nothing to apologize for, I'm just glad that you are safe and with me." He held Pinocchio closer kissing his forehead. "I love you father; I didn't mean at all what I said." "I know you didn't, and every make mistakes. I'm sorry for the way I acted at dinner." He held Pinocchio's chin up with his hand. "I love you very much, Pinocchio. You mean everything to me." Pinocchio smiled, as another tear fell down and he held his father tightly. Geppetto wiped his son's tears and led him inside, Jiminy closely followed. 

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