Chapter 11: Because I love you

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"Where is this woman o?" It was Chika's voice. I had called for the three of us to hang out at my place.

But I gave Chika, an hour before Titi. I needed to talk with Chika before Titi arrives.

"See me o." I walked towards her extending my hands for a hug.

Chika was heavily pregnant so she walked at a slower pace.

"Please sit down before you deliver here o. I can't explain to Tobe o. " I said laughing. Her contenace changed immediately. And she tried to change the topic.

"Chika, I know already. But is there no other option?"

"What other options are there for me to choose from Bisi, tell me? Tobe cheated on me and didn't even have the decency to tell me when it was getting out of hand.

Just imagine the embarrassment I had to face. His mistress had to be the one to inform me that my husband was the father of her child! And the worse part of it is that, she's his secretary.

Bisi, tell me, how am I suppose to believe that all the business trips they went together were actually business trips and not some getaways?

How am I suppose to trust him again?
What is marriage without trust?

How am I supposed to wake up each morning, seeing a child who is not mine, living under the same roof with me and bearing my husband's name.

Bisi, the child in question is a boy. I have only girls, Bisi, including this one I am carrying. You surely know what that means right? He's automatically my husband's heir.

This is too much for me!" She covered her face and sobed as though there was no tomorrow.

I was heart broken too. I wish I could do something to change the situation but all I could do was to hug her.

5mintues later, I spoke knowing that she was calm now.

"Chika, trust me when I say I totally understand your fears and worries. But is it worth losing your marriage, home and husband for?

What about your children? They deserve their father. Please Chika, to err is human and to forgive is divine.

Trust me when I say that divorce is not the best solution in this case and...."

"Stop! Bisi. You can't talk me into this. Tobe knows how much I loved and respected him. But he disrespected in return and....."

"Yes, he disrespected you Chika but you know he still loves you. Ever since you left the house with the girls, Tobe hasn't been himself.

He drinks every now and then and cries like a little child. You need to know...."

"I don't need to know anything! He made his choice. I should be allowed to make mine too!" She shouted loudly and apologized almost immediately followed by a cry.

Was this suppos to be the mood swing they said pregnant women usually experience or what?

Whatever it was actually then soften Chika and that made me happy.

"Chi, what if I tell you that Tobe is in this house, like right now?"

"What! Why would you do a thing like that? You know I don't want to see him."


"I don't know "

"I do and I'll tell you even though you won't acknowledge it. You still love him Chika. All you need to do is to let go."

Just then the door opened and Kunle entered holding Tobe by the shoulder with Tone's head all wrapped with bandage.

Chika stood up so fast that I feared she might fall. She ran towards them and held Tobe in her arm.

"What happened?"

My heart skipped a bit when I saw Tobe all bandaged up.

I ran to him and held him in my arms.

"What happened?"

"I had an accident. Please can I seat?"

He's breath smelt alcohol.

"Tobe, don't tell me you have actually been drinking and driving "

"I am sorry ba..."

"You're sorry? No, you're sorry? Why must you do it only to say you're sorry afterwards, eh?

Do you want to render our girls fatherless?"

I started crying again. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't. I blame it all to this stupid hommos.

Tobe reached out to me and cuddled me in his arms. He parted my back softly and kept whispering in my ears that he was sorry.

I know he truly was. But I don't know why I was still angry. I can't even imagine a life with this him. This past few weeks we have spent apart even made me realize the more how much he means to me.

"Chi, I am sorry. I was too ashamed to tell you and I feared you might leave me. That was why I hid it from you. But now I now better. I should never I have done that to you. "

I began to cry again.

"Chi, please stop. It breaks me each time I see you cry. Fine, he doesn't have to live with us. I can take him to my parents. He will grow up there.

You can punish me in some other ways, but please do not leave me. "

He held me closer to himself that I felt he was suffocating me.

"You know I am not capable of seperating a son from his father. Every child deserves the love of his or her parents. Since his mother has left him at my mercy, I guess I have just been blessed with a son in an unusual way."

"What are you saying Chika?"

Tobe asked with tears rolling down at their free will.

"That you should bring our son home! He's your blood and you're mine. That makes him mine too."

I barely finished the last statement before Tobe knelt in front of me.

"Thank you Chika. Thank you. Once again you have proofed yourself not just a woman but a mother! Who beats(to correct) her child with her right hand and draws him back to herself with her left.

Thank you Chika. I promise this will never happen again!"

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