Chapter 23: The office Assistant

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Ever since dad passed on, leaving me with this huge establishment, I have been a traveller. Moving from one business trip to another.

"Son, you need to keep your dad's legacy." Mum would always say.

Thanks to my able manager Chika who always get things done excellently. So, I quite understood that the workload must have been too much for her to suddenly ask for a personal assistant out of nowhere.

Chika was a very coordinated and hard working lady. A very committed one at that. She often reminds me of the love of my first true love. I wonder where she is right now. After I broke up with her, I never saw her again. I later heard her parents denied her shortly after. Sometimes,  I wish I hadn't listened to mum.

It's been years, but I still miss her everyday. She was different from other girls of her age.  I planned to make her my wife as soon as she entered the university. I was five years older than her. I admired her innocence and honesty alot. Maybe it was because she was a church girl.

I wish I could see her again. Even if it's for the last time to at least apologize for breaking her young heart the way I did. I guess I was asking for the impossible.

My wedding is in few months and I still don't feel ready. Mum is head hill over this wedding because Bella is her choice. The sophisticated Bella Bello, the only daughter and heiress of her father's empire.

This was what mum wanted not me. I was getting married for mum not for me. This is lame, right? Being an only son and child makes me always want to please her and she does know how best to take advantage of that.

I adjusted my tie as I picked my car key. I need to see Chika for a very brief meeting.

Stuck up in an hour traffic jam, I was totally exhausted. And just wished I had gotten to the office already so that I could have a 10minutes nap in my office before the meeting.

I had stayed up all night working on a new deal I have with this small company that I am offering to help by partnering with them.

I was so lost on my thoughts that I didn't see the little girl that was crossing the road with her school bag strapped behind her back. I guess my sudden break and confusion got her so scared that she fainted.

I quickly got out of my car and rushed her into the vehicle and headed for the nearest hospital.

The doctor in no time was busy examining her.

"Sir, she's short of blood and her type is very scarce, as a result, we do not have any right now in our blood bank."

Strangely enough, mine matched with hers and I donated some to her.

I was still on the hospital bed when the thought of Chika waiting for me crossed my mind. I reached out for my phone and began to dial her number. But it range out which was very unlike her. "She will probably call me back but for now I needed that nap that caused all of these.

Meanwhile, Kemi was getting worried.

"Chika, I hope nothing has happened to Bukky, this is so unlike her!"

"Kemi, calm down. Nothing happened. Have you called the school?"

"Yes, they said she left about an hour ago. Ah! Mogbe! Chika I am finished o.  What will I do if anything happens to my daughter? Or has she been kidnapped. Ah! I don't have money ooo."

"Please kemi, calm down let me think."

Shortly, she picked up her the land line on her desk and dialed a number.

"Hello security "

"Hello madam, I was just about to call you sef, is like I saw oga's car from afar, he was carrying that your new   assistant's daughter that usually come here after school into his car. Is like he mistakenly hit her with his car."

"Jesus!" Chika exclaimed and added a thank you before dropping the call.

I looked at her in shock.

"I think Bukky was involved in an acci..."

"Yaaaah! Acci what?"

"Please na, kemi, came down. I am sure is not that serious." Chika said consolingly before picking up her cell phone.

"Ooops, I missed my MD's call." She said and started dialing his number to return the call."

"Hello sir?" She said motioning on kemi to calm down. She got up from her sit instead and walked towards the window sobbing silently.

"Hello Chika, you missed my call."

"I am so sorry about that sir.  Are you okay sir, you sound very tired. We could reschedule the meeting sir, if you wish..."

"I had an accident with a little girl involved and...."

"Bukky, that must be Bukky!" Chika exclaimed.

Kemi ran from the window to her desk.

"How is my daughter?"

"Tell that woman to calm down her daughter is okay. I'll send you the hospital address right away."

"Okay sir! Thank you Sir!"

In the next ten minutes, we were at the hospital.

Bukky was fast asleep when we came in and the doctor informed us that the man that brought her in had to donate blood to her since they had non available in the hospital at the moment.

"That's strange, Chika. Bukky's blood is very scarce. Who could that man be?"

"There's only one way to find out. Let's go see the man."

We walked into a ward and there laid my Chima, my first love!

I was about to run out of the hospital and out of the world if possible when I heard my name.


I immediately froze. This has to be one of my many nightmares, I prayed.

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