Chapter 19: Goodbye.

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Life is such a mystery! Aunty Bisi who was once full of life was dying gradually and the most painful part of it was that we couldn't help her.

This woman who was once a beauty to behold, was now almost a horror to look at. Ah! It's now I know what they actually meant when they said true beauty lies inside, where it can never die.

I looked at aunty Bisi who was struggling to breathe. Each breath seemed to come with so much pain.

Uncle kunle has never left her side. He would hold her hand in his in total silence and at times I wonder what goes on in his head.

Today is Saturday of the second week and we were still hoping for a miracle.

The door of the ward opened and Tobe, Chika, Dayo and Titi walked in with lots of balloons cake and Cards.

"Happy birthday Bisi" they chorused.

Shortly after, Chika began to cry.

"Chi..ka, we agreed no more crying. This is my path and I am walking it. Please stop the tears and wish me a safe journey to eternity. To my home where there will be no more pain, only peace and joy"

Kunle took her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Titi, you look fresher than before, what's the good news?" Aunty Bisi asked.

"We are pregnant!" Titi announced with a big smile.

"Waoo! Congratulations" everyone chorus.

" So I am going to be an aunty soon, eh?"

"Yes, you're Bisi. That's why you have to wait for the donor. You have to be strong Bisi."

"I'm strong Titi that I know. Strong enough to keep on journeying and not waiting for a donor. By the way, when is the donor coming?"

"Tomorrow babe. Tomorrow is already here. We can make it right?"

"Only if it is God's will. That's all I seek nowadays. God's will. Because there, the true peace lies. "

She turned to me and smiled and I returned the smile with an uncertain one with baby Bisola fast asleep in my arms.

"Can I hold her?" She asked me but I wasn't certain if she had enough strength to hold her all by herself. So I supported her by sitting next to her on the bed and placing my hand below hers as she held baby Bisola.

" Kemi, I am certain that I am a mother but for a very short while on earth. I'm not sure what's going to happen next but it seems to me that I may not be able to take care of Bisola myself, please help me. Promise me you will love and raise her as though she was your own"

"You're going to be fine aunty Bisi "

"Please, promise me."

"I... don't know what to say "

"Just say you promise. I want my family in good hands. Please help this dying mother's dream to come true"

"I promise Aunty Bisi but nothing will happen to you "

"Amen. Thank you Kemi. You don't know how happy I feel right now. Thank you so much."

"Take Bisola from me kemi, I am growing weak. "

I quickly stretched out my hands and carried Bisola from her and immediately, Bisola started crying. I tried to rock her to sleep all to no avail.

The life support machine started peeping fast aunty Bisi started shaking vehemently on the bed.

"Call the doctor " kunle ordered

Dayo who was closer to the door rushed out to get the doctor.

"Babe, babe can you hear me"

"Bisi, Bisi please stay put. Help is on the way" Titi said crying

"Bisi don't leave us I beg you"Chika cried

"Bisi, you're a strong woman. You can fight this too. "


"Yes, yes my love I am here."

"I... ku..nle."

"I love you too Bisi. Please stay with me"

"Yo..u and K..Ke..mi sh..ou..ld get ma..mari" she stopped talking and her hand dropped from his.

"No! No!! Nooooooooo!!! You can't leave me like this. Bisi please, your donor will soon be here. They delayed his flight that's why. Please Bisi"

Tobe came and held uncle Kunle by the shoulder.

Dayo held Titi tightly so to prevent her from throwing herself on the ground.

Chika stood at the corner of the room muttering to herself.

I on the other hand, was struggling to stop my own tears and stop Bisola's as well. She had never cried like this since she was born.

Could it be possible that she knew her mother has gone to heaven?

A week later, we were gathered for aunty Bisi's funeral.

When Kunle stood to talk, everyone was heart broken seeing how aunty Bisi's death affected him greatly.

"Like a shinning candle in the dark, you lited up my world, giving me reasons upon reasons to smile each day. You were my peace and joy. You completed me. Suddenly, you went dim and then, in a twinkle of an eye, you are gone. Leaving with a piece of you.

Here lies my world in a casket! The mother of my child! My mother, my friend, confidant and second half. Bisi you completed me. But now, you leave me in half again. But I must thank you for the happy moments we shared. For the laughter we shared. For our little misunderstandings that helped to strengthen our bond after reconciliation. For the joy and peace I enjoyed being around you. For being selfless at every given time. For giving up your life for others. For seeking the happiness of all. Thank you. Thank you for sharing my life. I am eternally grateful. Adieu Bisola, my world, till we meet to part no more."

It seemed everyone did a good job of not crying so as to keep uncle Kunle from crying as well because it was clear that that's what he has been doing since her demise.

But when baby Bisola began to cry, everyone couldn't keep the cool.

A saint had just gone to Heaven leaving her loved ones behind.

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