Chapter 17:A Flash in the dark

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A month after Bukola's successful surgery, A miracle happened. I became pregnant. I couldn't hold my joy.

"Kunle, we are pregnant! We are going to be parents to our own child!" I kept singing.

"Ah! God you're great. You're glorious. You're a miracle working God. I bow before your throne of majesty"

My joy knew no bounds. Kunle was overjoyed too and so were our friends. Bukola was so happy that she was going to be an elder sister!

She would always come and Rob my belly talking to the child in me.

I won the case of Bayo and my father's business and the general was arrested. Dayo was to work for the company for 20years as a means of payment for the money he stole from it since he could neither pay back immediately nor had any hope or means to.

At our baby shower, I saw them and I was furious. Who invited them? I wondered.

"Babe calm down. I invited them. I want Bayo to see that you're a complete woman and it was him who wasn't man enough!"

I smiled. Seeing him brought alot of awful memories to me. And as for Tini, I wished I could walk up to her and slap her till she faints.

The baby in my belly kicked so hard as though my thoughts just pierced her in there.

"Ah!" I said holding kunle. Kemi came to my side immediately. You need to sit for awhile aunty Bisi." She said as she led me to a seat.

Kemi and I got fully involved in my father's business because she wouldn't let me go alone. She followed me about as though she was my personal nurse.

9months later I put to birth to a mini me. She was a complete replica of me. Kunle's joy knew no bounds as he wept holding his daughter in his arms.

Indeed, this was a miracle. I felt there was nothing more to ask of God. My joy was complete.

Kunle named our little girl after me. Bisola Jr.

Kemi was Bisola's personal nurse. She wouldn't let a tear drop from her face.

"Kemi, you'll spoil this girl o. Now she doesn't sleep on the bed except in someone's arm because you train her like that."

"Don't worry aunty Bisi that's why I am here."

"I hear you."

Two months after Bisola's birth, I fell seriously ill and was diagnosed of kidney stones. My one and only kidney became so weak that I required an urgent surgery within two weeks else I would die.

The search for a kidney donor began once again since everyone that was willing to give theirs was a mismatch.

My days were numbered and my time was tickling.

Kunle was so worried and so was everyone who knew me. I was at some point but as the first week rolled by my legs and face began to swell real bad, I was beyond recognition. That was when I became convinced that I was going to die but kunle wouldn't hear of it.

Kemi was inconsolable. She felt responsible for my health condition because it was her daughter I gave my other kidney to.

I tried to convince her that I had no regrets but she was too stubborn.

Bisi's health was deteriorating by the day and I was helpless. Help seemed so far away from us and so was a miracle!

Worst of it was that, Bisi gave up long before now. She spoke of death every now and then.

All she did was to write in her diary every now and then. Each time she did, she would smile as though she was communicating with her beloved.

"Babe, when did you say Kemi is coming again?"

"She's suppose to be here by now, maybe...."

Just then the ward door opened and Kemi walked in with our baby, Bisola together with Bukky.

" how are you my love?" Bisi managed to ask, seeing how Bukky was staring at me from afar.

I know she could barely recognize Bisi and I felt a second pain for that.

"Bukky, won't you greet big Mamie?" Kemi asked her as she pushed her towards Bisi's bed slightly.

"Good afternoon big Mamie" Bukky muttered followed by tears freely rolling down her cheeks.

"Awwww! Don't cry my love. I'll be fine soonest. Just keep praying for me. Okay?"

"Okay" she whispered wiping her tears.

Turning to Kemi "can I hold Bisola for awhile?" Bisi asked

"Yes! Ofcourse!" She placed Bisola in Bisi's arms.

I could see the fulfilling joy in Bisi's eyes as she held our daughter Bisola in her arms.

"Kunle, I am a mother! The mother to this bundle of joy in my arms. Aren't we the most blessed on earth? What more could we have possibly asked for?" Bisi said smiling at our baby.

I walked towards the bed and sat at the edge looking at the two girls that meant the world to me.

"Thank you Bisola my child! For proving to the world that I am neither cursed nor barren! God bless you always my child. God knows I love you very much. And I am sorry I won't be here to watch you grow my angel." Bisi wept

"Stop! " I cried out

"Perhaps, kunle, it's time to accept the reality. I am dy...."

"Don't say it Bisi, please don't!"

Bisi smiled and touched my face "death, is inevitable my kunle. That's one statement that is 100% true in this beautiful world. "

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