chapter 27: Mamie

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"Mamie" she said to me with a smile as her hand which was stained with the icing on the cake went to her mouth once more.

Everyone in the room where tongue tied especially Kunle.

What a life! I still remember that day Bukky my own daughter chose to call aunty Bisi Mamie, and here was aunty Bisi's daughter calling me Mamie in return. I couldn't help but smile. I could only imagine the smile on aunty Bisi's face right now.

I held her closer to myself while kunle picked up Bukky who walked over to us. That was the perfect time that the camera light flashed. It was more like a family picture even though the people in it weren't one.

The party finally came to an end and Bukky and I stayed back to join in clearing up with little Bisola cliquing to me like there was no tomorrow. Kunle just stood at one corner watching the whole drama.

Bukky and I slept in our old room in the house with little Bisola laying between us on the king-sized bed. I watched as the two girls that mean so much to me slept. Baby Bisola looked so skinny. I learnt she doesn't like eating. My mind wandered to kunle as well, he too looked Skinner than I ever knew. I smiled in the dark as I visualised his smile all through the party. He looked really happy and grateful. I felt happy that he was happy.

Somehow, my eyes unconsciously travelled round the room landing finally on the small flask on the table.

"Mamie, water." Baby Bisola cried out of her sleep. I got up immediately from the bed and fetched from the flask for her which she drank sleepishly before going back to sleep. I smiled remembering how kunle had warned me before hand about Bisola's night drinking habit. Lifting the flask I shook it and realized that the water was remaining very small. Taking the flask, I quietly walked out of the room to make a refill.

The whole house was dead silent that I could literally hear my own breath.

I made my way to the refectory and went straight to the dispenser.

"Jezzz!" I froze in my spot.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I didn't know you were still up and here." Kunle Said looking me up and down in my see through nightie.

"Yeah. I came to make a refill of Bisola's drinking water."

"Oh! I see "

"Yeah. I will be heading back to the room now."


"Yeah. Good night again " I said as a walked awkwardly past him. I could feel his eyes on me.


I froze once more in my spot. And turned around slowly. "Yes, kunle"

"I was wondering if you could spare me so few minutes. Maybe have a drink with me or so.... that's if you don't mind."

There was silence. I didn't know what to say. I was so conscious of the fact that I was next to been naked in my nightie.

"Ofcourse not!" I heard myself saying against my will.

His face lighted up immediately. He made his way to the wine stand and grabbed a bottle of wine with two wine glasses.

While I sat rather uncomfortably on the couch.

Handing me a glass which I received with a shaky hand.

"Relax kemi, you know I am harmless" kunle said as he sat next to me on the couch.

I blushed in embarrassement. I didn't know it was that obvious.

"So, " he began to speak again while taking my free hand in his. "I want to formally thank you for today. You're amazing kemi, I must confess. You brought so much joy into this house today that it feels like a home again."

Then I noticed what seemed like sadness on his facial expression that appeared out of the blues. I felt confused for few seconds before he spoke again.

"I fear that this home will return to been a house after you leave tomorrow."

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"And I don't know how to explain to baby Bisola where her Mamie went to after tomorrow."

There was another uncomfortable silence.

"You know, after Bisi's death, I was completely shattered that I felt I was going to die too. But I couldn't do that to my daughter. She needed me to stay alive for her. So, I had to. Not just to stay alive but to be alive as well. After you left, I realized how stupid I have been. I was sorry, I still am. I hurt you and Bukky real bad and wish I could turn the hands of time.

However, your last minute caution to me kept ringing in my head. Yet I didn't know where to begin since I couldn't practice medicine again. Still I knew I had to begin somewhere. So I contacted Bayo and Tini and informed them that I wanted to be fully involved in the business."

He kept quiet for awhile as though expecting me to say something.

"Well done! Kunle. You're doing so well for yourself." I said without thinking.

"All thanks to you, kemi. The woman with a golden heart"

That got me. The woman with a golden heart. How? I wondered but didn't say anything.

Taking the drink from my hand and placing it on the side stool. He took my second hand in his.

"Will it be selfish of me, if I beg you to stay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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