(A/N) + Chapter 1

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Hello there it's me, Creator all I want to say is in this story there will be a lot of drama, gore (maybe), and jealously lol but I hope you guys enjoy and here is info cuz you might need it ->-
but if you know all this then just keep scrolling down and there is the way the story will go.

(Y/N) = your name

(F/C) = fav color

(F/C/2) = 2cd fav color

(F/F) = fav food

(F/DB) = fav dog breed

(F/M) = fav movie

(S/S) = sensitive spot

(S/C) = skin color

(E/C) = eye color

(H/C) = hair color

(F/G) = fav games (more than one)

(O/T) = old town or city (wherever you came from. I better not see space 🛐 )

(O/G) = old guardian ( cuz there dead in this story TnT )

(P/C) = phone case color

And last but not least (I think)
(F/S/S) = fav sized sweater

Anyways you don't have to answer those but if you want the story to make sense in your head then pls do and thanks if you answer the question (can't forget the people that didn't thanks ❤️)

And now may the story being. . . . . .
Beep. . .
BEEP!. . . .

More Than One ( jealous Bob velseb x reader x Ariel )Where stories live. Discover now