Simon G Riley

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Simon Riley is a 14 year old Caucasian male. He has black hair and brown eyes. He is named Simon Ghost Riley cause his dad thought it sounded cool. He wears a black hoodie, black pants, black shoes, black fingerless gloves, a black shirt, headphones with a mic, and wears these two items to cover his face.

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His abilities are: Intimidation

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His abilities are:
High Intelligence.
Indomitable Will.
Torture Expertise.
Stealth Tactics.
Master Combatant.
Knife Mastery.
Horseback Riding.

Trivia: Simon's nationality is British, although he's British he lives in Utah with his best friend Johnny, he does use a British accent, Simon's uncle died when he was 12 years old and according to his parents Simon wore his signature skull mask through out the entire funeral so he wouldn't be seen sad, Simon and his friend Johnny wore a black suit, a white shirt, black tie, black pants, and black shoes at Simon's uncle's funeral, Simon is also friend with two other kids with their names being Logan walker and David walker, Simon's usual order at McDonald's is a Big Mac large fries and a medium Pepsi, Simon is often called by his middle name by his friends, Simon enjoys Papa John's, Simon is Asexual meaning he experiences little to no sexual attraction to others, Simon was born a few months before his friend Johnny was born, According to Simon Logan and David Johnny is the only one out of the four who doesn't wear a mask that covers their face, According to Simon Logan usually gets two hamburgers from McDonald's with fries and a coke, Simon's friend David usually gets a Big Mac from McDonald's with fries and a medium drink, Simon likes to put fries on his burger, Simon is the leader of the group he Johnny David and Logan are made of, Simon likes the chicken nuggets from McDonald's, Simon's friends Logan and David are brothers, Logan and David attended Simon's uncle's funeral, Simon's uncle was a member of the military, Simon's friend Logan is lactose intolerant, Simon used to eat kfc but hasn't ate it since it gave him food poisoning when he was 11 years old, Simon's parents were members of the military, Simon comes from a military family, one of Simon's ancestors was a British general who fought alongside the Americans in the American revolution, Simon has depression from the death of his uncle, Simon's dad owns a gun range that he takes Simon and his friends to every Saturday, Simon was born in 1992, Simon's dad once took Simon to a rock band called Bone lickers during summer vacation and Simon witnessed the death of a prostitute who overdosed there, Simon's friends couldn't go to the concert as Logan and David were on a vacation with their parents in France and Johnny was spending the summer with his grandparents, Simon wore his headphones skull mask and sunglasses to the Bone lickers concert, whenever Simon has to eat he lifts up part of his mask so that only his mouth area is visible, Simon and his friends have to sit next to a cringy couple at lunch in school, Simon has an older brother named Tommy, Simon parents work for a business looking to make better home security systems, Simon loves his older brother despite Tommy occasionally scaring him with a skull mask, according to Simon Tommy usually gets two cheeseburgers from McDonald's, Simon's brother Tommy was born in 1979, according to Simon the prostitute that died from overdose at the concert his dad took him to was having sex with his dad before she overdosed, Simon's favorite soda is Pepsi, Simon sleeps in his own room, Simon owns a Nintendo GameCube, Simon owns a Nintendo DS and GameBoy Advance SP, Simon owns Pokémon emerald for his gameboy advance and Mario kart for his DS, Simon owns a few DS and Gameboy advanced games, Simon's favorite Mario character is king boo, Simon owns a gameboy player for his GameCube, Simon's pal Johnny also owns a GameCube and also owns a monitor attachment for it, Simon was nine years old when his family bought him a GameCube, Simon owns Luigi's mansion for his GameCube, the first handheld Simon played was a gameboy color his brother Tommy got him for Christmas and Simon still has it, although his favorite soda is Pepsi Simon's favorite drink is iced tea, Simon sometimes plays his gameboy games on his Gameboy player, Simon sometimes plays Super Smash Bros. Melee with his brother Tommy, Simon's first video game console he played was on his family's old N64 with the first video game he played being Super Mario 64 since then he's been a massive Mario fan, whenever their parents leave the house their father tells Simon and Tommy that he's placed a pistol in each bathroom, his samurai sword is in the kitchen underneath the sink, his m16 is behind his dresser, his taser is in his bible, and once put his double barrel shotgun in the neighbors dogs house causing the dogs death, Simon's bathroom has a TTI Pit Viper in it that his dad put there, Simon is one of the fastest people in school, Simon is a Scorpios and was born sometime in November, Simon has a literal bed monster under his bed that Simon has only seen the hands of, Simon's GameCube is in his room and has it hooked up to his tv, Simon owns Metroid prime 1 and 2, Simon owns a railgun that according to him not even the military has, according to Simon Logan having sprite is like giving a horse a sugar cube, Simon wears black make up covering his upper face underneath his balaclava and has brown hair, According to himself, Simon is coldhearted. He would even cut off his enemies' hands when he was about to do it to a bully who was harassing a female student causing the bully and his friends to run away in fear, Simon is according to his brother Tommy the most fucking mean person he knows. He WILL hurt people's feelings on occasion, both on purpose and not. He. Does. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Either way, though David Logan Johnny and Simon's family are the only ones he won't hurt. Simon has anger issues and has gotten into several fights at school. Simon's motto is "it's my way or the fucking highway no if ands or buts in between". Simon sleeps like he's in prison. Very light sleeper, even when he's home. The sound of the wind blowing outside a little too loudly can cause those heavy, tired eyes to open and check what time it is, for the eighth time in the night. Nightmares. On the topic of sleep, Simon gets really bad nightmares. Simon's mother thinks he has bouts where he doesn't dream at all due to how little he's actually sleeping and dozing in and out frequently. If Simon gets too many nightmares in one night, he'll just decide to stay awake until the sun comes ups. Simon is autistic and was diagnosed with it when he was six years old. Simon's balaclava is something Simon made him self and is the one who made the masks Logan and his older brother David wear. Simon's brother Tommy is married and has a 6 year old son named Joseph who is also Simon's nephew. Simon when he was 12 years old was a survivor of the 2004 St. George Regional airport massacre which was a mass shooting instigated by four Neo-Nazi's who killed more than 200 people, Simon and his parents were there when it happened as they were going to spend the summer in Florida, Simon managed to kill one of the shooter by taking the man's gun from him and shooting him in the head. Simon was 8 years old when his nephew Joseph was born. Simon's brother Tommy is 27 years old and has been married for 7 years. The 2004 St. George Regional airport massacre was labeled by the United States as the deadliest airport shooting in history.

Attack Potency: Wall level+

Speed: At least Peak Human with Hypersonic Combat Speed and Reactions (regularly dodges bullets bed monster shoots at him), Supersonic to Supersonic+ attack speed with firearms

Lifting Strength: Class 1

Striking Strength: Wall level+

Durability: Wall level+

Stamina: Superhuman

Intelligence: Gifted

This is Simon's GameCube and controller.

This is Simon's GameCube and controller

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This is his gameboy player.

This is his GameBoy SP

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This is his GameBoy SP.

This is his DS

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This is his DS.

This is his gameboy color

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This is his gameboy color.

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