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Doc is a kid with a cross on his face that has two lines with one going horizontally and the other going vertically, he wears sensor goggles with an "off-center detector" resembling a doctor's headlamp, an armored air filter and bandages around his jaw, a collared black vest, and a dark gray shirt, he also wears black fingerless biker gloves and has bandages on his forearms, his best friend is a girl called Sam, Doc's last name is Murphy, Doc's skin feels like clay, Doc isn't his real name, Doc's usual order at McDonald's is a Big Mac meal and large coke, according to Doc Sam's usual order at McDonald's is a quarter pounder, medium fries, and a large sprite, Doc's real name is Daniel Murphy, Doc has scars on his cheeks which is why he uses bandages to cover them up, Doc managed to make a working lightsaber, Doc has also made a working iron man helmet and gauntlet, Doc is 13 years old, Doc was born in 1998, Doc doesn't have eyes but can see perfectly fine without them. Doc's favorite soda is coke. Doc wears grey shoes. Doc is one year older then Sam. Doc learned Chinese in kindergarten and also speaks French. Doc plays the flute. Doc is of Icelandic descent on his mother's side, Doc's dad died when he was 6 weeks olds. Doc owns a DS. Doc owns Mario kart, New Super Mario Bros, and Super Maris 64 DS. Doc had his 13th birthday at Freddy Fazbears pizzeria. According to Doc he isn't a superhero fan with his least favorite superhero is the hero Goldman. Doc's crush Cecilia's favorite superhero is Goldman. Doc's step father served in Vietnam. Doc owns a Xbox 360 along with a modern warfare 3 edition controller. Doc takes very much after his dad. Doc is considered the asshole of the group, but he also pushes boundaries, so he's not kicked out of the friend group for that reason. Doc and his father are a species called Grunts which have two lines one going vertically and the other horizontally on their face, no eyes, grey skin, and their skin feels like clay as it isn't as elastic as a humans. Doc has Icelandic descent on his mother's side of the family. Doc and Fellow-d9 are the same species and were both born in Nevada. Doc's pal Kim bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which was also the first time Doc's pal Andrew played Skyrim. Doc's pal Kim is Korean. Doc's pal Andrew has a younger brother who has a gameboy. Doc Sam and Cecilia when they were having a third sleepover at Sam's house crashed a party that Ben aka Sam's step dad who and his friends bully Doc Sam Cecilia and fellow D9 was having. Doc Sam and Cecilia had a fourth sleepover at Cecilia's house. Doc hates meatloaf. Doc pal Sam's parents are divorced. Doc Sam and Cecilia hate vegetables. Doc's step father and biological mother have tried marriage counseling but Craig (Doc's step dad) never wants to go. On Doc's birthday Cecilia got Doc Cooking Mama for his DS as her mom wouldn't let her get cod black ops as Cecilia's mom believes that violent video games rot their brains. Doc has a cousin. Doc owns Black Ops 2. Doc Sam and Cecilia smoked weed when they were having a sleepover at Doc's house. When Cecilia was dropped off at Doc's house for a sleepover Doc's step dad Craig told them not to bother him and that he'll be in the living room drinking away him and Doc's mom's marriage problems. Doc Sam Cecilia and Kim smoked a cigarette while at Doc's house for a sleepover. Doc's step dad smokes. Doc's step dad has a sister. Doc is the most abrasive of the four, who loves to trash talk his friends, his enemies, and authority figures alike. Rude, impulsive, and bigoted as he may be; he's still a heroic figure in the group. Treats his friends like a big brother bully, constantly making fun of them until he gets his way. Craig and Samantha's relationship used to be healthy and loving back when Doc was a baby. Doc's stepdad is neglectful of his stepson and barely cares about him, as well as an alcoholic, which is probably why Doc acts the way he does. Doc and his friends are in middle school. He has awful grades in everything but Phys Ed. Doc's mom is human. He may not respect his mother, but he does love her and takes insults against her pretty hard. Whenever he's in trouble, he doubles-down and gets in worse trouble. He's a bully in the "ragging on your friends" way young boys are known for; but he's disgusted by the organized oppression and physical violence of the Cool Kids. Case in point: He picks on Sam because they're close buddies, but leaves nerds like Jerry alone rather than going out of his way to antagonize him. He also didn't like it when Vlad and the cool kids made fun of Lucy the gorilla. The group is often referred to as "Doc and his friends", and he's the one chosen to run for school President. When Fellow-D9 first comes to school, Doc bullies him by mocking his lunchbox and calling him a loser, despite hating the cool kids for doing the same to him. He eventually sees the error of his ways. He makes fun of his friends all the time; but when the bullies do the same to them he gets even angrier than he does when they make fun of him. Is rude and aggressive, but won't hesitate to stick up for his friends and is caring and loyal towards them. He doesn't seem to even comprehend the concept of holding his tongue. He cusses out parents and teachers alike, when doing so can only serve to get him in more trouble. Uses homophobic slurs. That said, he doesn't actually treat anyone differently based on their race and his objection to a transwoman talking about her pronouns on Omegele is "We're just kids, we don't care" rather than anything actually against trans people. Has the foulest mouth out of the group. Ben calls him out on it when in his "mom's boyfriend" persona. Peer-pressures Sam and Cecilia into playing M-Rated games. Doc's mom is said not to set boundaries for him, explaining his behavior. Doc's mom lets her son walk all over her, such as letting him play whatever video games he wants (even M rated ones) and letting him yell at her. Doc's mom doesn't like that her husband gave their son a beer for his 13th party. Samantha also doesn't approve of her husband's drinking and rude behavior. Doc has Oppositional Defiance Disorder, which fits with his personality. He's physically incapable of respecting an authority figure, and pokes the bear every chance he can get. Doc managed to get Oprah Sharply (Ben's mother) to be his Valentine. Doc's full name is Daniel John Murphy.
Bizarre Pain Tolerance.
Genius-Level Intellect.
Technical Prowess.
Skilled Strategist.

Full name: Daniel John Murphy.
Alias: Danny (by Cecilia), Dan (by Sam), 2BDamned (by his step father), Fucktard (by IVO Pingas), little shit (by his step father), Doc.
Family: Samantha Jackson (mother), Fredrick Murphy (father: deceased), Craig Daniels (step father), unnamed cousin.
Allies: Samantha "Sam" Dementia (best friend), Cecilia (2nd best friend and love interest), Fellow-d9 (3rd best friend), Kim (close friend), Andrew (close friend), Tristan, Eric, Kyle, Stan, Kenny.
Enemies: Ben Sharply (arch enemy), Ping, IVO Pingas, Cassandra, Isabelle, Angela, Jeremy.
Hobby: Playing video games. Hanging out with Sam Cecilia and Fellow-d9. Insulting Ben.
Occupation: Student at North Middle School.
Quotes: I only made that working iron man helmet and lightsaber because I was bored- Doc when he was asked why he made them. Shut up mom.
Alignment: unknown but is in the chaotic alignment range.
Attack Potency: Unknown
Speed: Subsonic (Able to dodge lasers)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown
Durability: Large Building level (is able to take hits from Sam)
Stamina: Likely Above Average.
Intelligence: Supergenius

This is him.

Doc's mom Samantha

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Doc's mom Samantha.

Doc's step dad Craig

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Doc's step dad Craig

Doc's step dad Craig

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