Extra problems

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"And make sure you text me everyday Miya!"

"Yes dad, I know. God unlike mom you are such a worry wart." Miya sighed as he was packing up for the big trip ahead.

"Well you know...why not becoming a teacher? Now that's not so dangerous! Oh no! You can actually get a papercut!? Scratch that! Don't ever become a teacher Miya!!!" Miyas father clinged onto Miya.

"Gah!? Hey get off me! Seriously dude!? I'm going to be fine! Mom! Come get your husband!!!!" Miya shouted.

"Honey get off of Miya. He'll be back sooner then you think..." Miyas mother then looked at her son. Miya felt his feelings punch him in the stomach.

"Well...I'm going to see if my supervisors are ready..." Miya smiled nervously as he left the room.


"God...you are sexy..." Joe smirked as he looked at himself in the mirror. He flexed and stretched his arms and torso. He then grabbed almost every type of sunscreen and oil he had in his cabinet. He then made a special bag for his skin products. As he was doing so, he got a text from Cherry.

Cherry: Hey, I'm almost ready. I'll meet you and Miya at the airport. And don't worry...I had my assistant do my make-up this time...

Joe smirked as he felt like teasing Cherry a little. He slowly started to type back.

Joe: Let me see first.

Cherry: why?

Joe: I need to make sure my wife looks good enough to be by my side.

Cherry: You fucking jerk...here

Joe looked at the picture and immediately blushed. The picture had Cherry sitting in a studio getting his make-up done. He still had his pink hair exposed and his glasses were off. His skin looked plumped and fair. His lips were a soft pink and so were his cheeks. Overall, Cherry looked very feminine. Joe couldn't help but screenshot the photo and saved it in his gallery.

"Wow...he's...kind of sexy looking." Joe said to himself. He then felt something odd. He looked down to see himself very excited.

"WHAAAA?!" Joe jumped in pure shock. He looked inside his underwear to reveal himself. Joe started to panick as he closed his phone.

"THERE IS NO WAY I GOT A BONER FOR MR.TEASER!?" Joe screamed at himself. The green haired man then heard his phone notification.

Cherry: well? What do you think?

Joe: it looks alright...heh for you at least.

Cherry: whatever. Just don't show up looking like a thirsty gorilla.

Joe: Whatever you say princess!

Joe then placed his phone on the bed and sighed heavily. He then looked at his watch and blushed.

"I have time to get rid of this..."



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