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  So, I've noticed that this fanfic still does pretty well despite me never updating. I promise chapters do still exist, they're just not finished.

You see, I was in middle school when I wrote these preferences, and life just got in the way. I'm 19 now, and I'm soon to be working at Disneyland lmao

But I've noticed that there were some readers who were disappointed to find a lack of gender neutral pronouns amongst the character preferences. This is something I intend to fix. I am also currently going back to older chapters with the goal of correcting all grammar errors and layouts to make the dialogue easier to actually read.

   Back to the gender neutrality- Please take into account that I was like 13 or 14 when writing this, and this fic was meant to be a form of escapism for me as a kid, so I never took into account that others would want to use these dumb fantasies as a form of escapism as well, so for that I apologize.

  I'm sorry for not updating. As years went by, I had grown a passion for writing, and when I noticed my followers and readers ignoring my original works and favoring my middle school fanfiction, I got bitter. But hopefully, I'll be able to actually update soon. No promises, but I'll try.

I'm also currently writing an Old Western action romance, and intend to actually get it published when done, so keep an eye out for that!

Love you all<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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