Things you do that annoy him...

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☆Captain Jack Sparrow☆

You drink all the rum. You've had have to make it up to him, by getting him more rum.

☆Willy Wonka☆

   You're always pranking the oompaloompas. And mostly you'd prank Willy. The oompaloompas don't mind, cause they always get you back, but Willy could not think of anything, so he just decided to keep all the candy away from you for a month. Let's just say, you seeked revenge.


    You and Hare would randomly start singing songs thaf he's not very quite find of. And when a Scottish accent hits your ears, you change to singing his favorite songs and it actually works.

☆Victor Van Dort☆

   You're always using his paper and ink without permission. You love yo draw, and so does Victor but you sure do it a lot more. There have been times when you'd finish the ink.

☆Charlie Mortdecai☆

     You'd choose a song you like, and sing it over and over again for a whole day. It doesn't just annoy Mortdecai, but Jock to. When you wouldn't listen to Charlie, he'd ask Jock to do something about it.
You were unconscious for 2 hours, and Jock needed to buy you a new gun.


    You'd always pickpocket people you came across. Tonto was always getting scowled at, being told to control you. But you would cut in, saying it wasn't his fault you were a trouble maker.

☆Edward Scissor Hands☆

   You are pretty over protective of him, but he doesn't mind most of the time because he knows how much you love him.

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