29. Runestone

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Taelon brought a fist to his lips to cover his yawn.

"Yes, do act more excited." Tommen remarked.

"Hey, everyone he rejects-" Jaime Barnes reminded. "-is a broken heart in need of a little love."

"Can we be done with Dorne?" Taelon remarked. "It's hotter then the fucking sun."

Three moons gone and Taelon was bored of his many options. They had moved through the stormlands, took their time wandering around Dorne. They were supposed to go to the reach, High garden next. Then fuck a mermaid in lannis port, on Casterly rock. Visit the iron islands and outdrink the Greyjoys. Head over to the riverrun then embrace the bitter cold of the north. Lastly they would go to the Eyrie before coming home but a raven from Runstone came and Taelon changed up their plans.


Nyra lay in taelons bed every night he was gone. She flipped through his sketches and paintings when she couldnt sleep and wore his shirts to bed. Knowing when he came back with a bride to be she wouldnt get him again. Wouldnt do this again.

"What do you mean he isnt at the Reach?" Viserys questioned.

"I just received a ravel from the Lady Tyrell asking if the prince Taelon found a bride. They are not at the Reach." Nyra felt an overwhelming amount of fear and joy. If he was coming home, she would see him again but if he was coming home early, odds are he found a bride.

"What do you mean? Have they stopped the tour? Has he found, he didn't say anything." Viserys remarked.

Taelon hadnt wrote to say he found a bride, he was coming home early and Nyra and him could be together. What a wonderful thought.

"Stopped in runestone your grace."

Runestone Nyra thought bitterly. What would he be doing in runestone? Daemon's wife was there but why would Taelon visit her?

"Runstone... why would they do that?" Viserys sputtered. "That's last on their spot before they come home." 


"You going to knock Daemon on his ass?" Tommen questioned as they moved.

"If I see him. I could use the exercise." Taelon agreed.

"Who are we seeing?" Tommen countered.

"Daemon always used to say the women here were uglier than the sheep." Ser Anthony remarked.

"Tony." Taelon spat. "Shut the fuck up."

"Just saying-"

"One, Daemon is an idiot. Two, his wife is gorgeous. Three, shut up Anthony." Taelon repeated.

"Why did we bring him?" Tommen whispered.

"Why are we doing a tour? Why is the earth round? Why is it that I still have sand in my trousers from Dorne?" Taelon remarked giving his leg a shake. Tommen stared back at him. "All questions I don't really have a good answer for." Taelon explained. "Ah, hello there. I'm here to see Lady Rhae, I'm-"

"I know who you are my Prince." Gerold Royce remarked.

"Wonderful, is she round?" Taelon asked peering in.

"Up the staircase, third door on the left." Gerold remarked.

"So kind of you." Taelon remarked. "Come on Tommen." Taelon blocked the door. "You can find a sheep to fuck Anthony." Taelon said pulling the door closed on him.

"Third door..." Tommen counted as they passed. "One, two, ah, here we are." Taelon knocked on the door.

"Lady Rhae, it's Taelon." he called and she pulled the door open.

"Hi." She said nervously as she looked between them. "That was fast."

"I was in the area." Taelon mused.

"If  you call Dorne the area." Tommen added.

"Come in..." Rhae offered holding the door open. Taelon kissed her cheek as he passed.  "It's good to see you again." Rhae remarked.

''Rhae. It is always a pleasure to see you.'' Taelon remarked. She stared back at him a moment longer. ''Something wrong? I got a very mysterious raven thought it worth the trip. But now you are looking at me like you don't want me here."

"No, I do... I... well..." Rhae glanced back as a baby babbled behind her. Taelon moved to the crib.

''Oh whos this little one?'' Taelon chuckled down at the baby. Silver hair. Violet eyes. ''Did Daemon come back after all I thought for sure-''

''Taelon.'' Rhae corrected. Taelon looked up at her.

''Ohhh. No. No, no, no I remember-'' Taelon began.

''Taelon there was no one else.'' Rhae remarked.

''Well...' taelon looked to Tommen as he cackled away dropping to his knees with laughter. ''Stop that.'' Taelon demanded kicking at Tommen. "Are you sure?" Taelon asked again.

"Only ever been you." Rhae informed him.

"Mate stop laughing." Taelon demanded. "You know how many possible children you have running around"

"Me?" Tommen countered.

"I thought I was being considerate, I don't know how that happened. I always thought.... it must... dear Gods..." Taelon murmured thinking of all the possible bastards he could possible have and not know about. He turned back to Rhae and then looked to the babe. "Whats his name?" Taelon asked.

''Thorin.'' Rhae told him softly.

''Thorin.'' Taelon repeated.

''I wanted to tell you sooner.'' Rhae remarked ''but then your mother and... then Daemon being Daemon. Your father getting married and then you were on tour and I just... it never felt like the right time...'' taelon nodded looking to Thorin.

''Might I?'' Taelon asked reaching for Thorin

''Of course of course. He is... yours.'' Taelon picked Thorin up.

"How old is he?" Taelon asked shifting Thorin in his arms.

''A little over a year." Rhae remarked

''Has it been that long?' Taelon mused.

''Give or take nine moons of course.'' Rhae added.

''Of course!'' Taelon agreed.

''Oh your father is going to love this!'' Tommen declared. ''Daemon! Gods who is going to tell daemon!''

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