53. Sneak, Sneak, Sneak

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Rhae was an impressive hunter. Taelon watched her moved swiftly but precisely. Thorin on the other hand was told he had to be quiet so the hart wouldnt know they were coming. 

"I sneak, I sneak, I sneaky." Thorin whispered with each tip toed step. 

'Princess, I must make a final plea that we return to the camp.' Criston requested.

'I rather prefer it here.' Rhaenyra told him as she threw twigs into the fire.

'His Grace is certain to be worried by your absence. Your brother as well.' Criston offered.

'His Grace can worry himself to death if he so likes.' Rhaenyra told him smugly as their horses neighed and whinnied behind them. Criston rose ready to defend his princess, drew his blade, the twigs cracking under his feet as all went quiet.

Criston grunted as Rhaenyra yelled a boar came charging at them, growling he leapt on top of Rhaenyra. She stabbed it again and again and it fell. She lay for a moment remembering to breathe when the boar started to squeal again Rhaenyra jumped up stabbing him over and over again, Rhaenyra grunted and whimpered as she drove her blade into the boar, killing it.

"Damn, my wife everyone." Taelon remarked. 

"I found it." Rhae agreed. "There it is."

"Anything at all." Taelon whispered kissing her neck.  "I told you Rhae would be better than your hunters." Taelon murmured. "Things will change when we are in charge."

"You planning my murder?" Viserys mused.

"No. Never. Just letting you know that when that day comes I will run things better." Taelon informed him sweetly.

"Taelon!" Rhae laughed out. 

"Thank you Taelon. As always my favorite son." Viserys huffed.

A white hart. Good luck for the heir. A prophecy. The heirs heir. but this wasnt a white hart. 

"Otto will be disappointed." Taelon remarked. "I know how much your council wanted Aegon to be the next prophecy chosen heir..."

Taelon was an excellent hunter, he honestly didnt know what he got from his father besides being a dreamer. He loved his father but they were very different.

"My prince, for the blow?" Jason offered nervously.

"No," Taelon chuckled out pulling his own valyrian steel blade from his hip. He handed the balde to Rhae. 

"A woman." Jason sniggered. "She couldnt kill anything." Rhae threw the blade with speed and precision. The hart shrieked before collapsing to the ground. The group stood stunned while Taelon clapped loudly and proudly. 

"Nonsense, anyone is capable of murder if given the proper motivation." Rhae assured as she moved to the hart, pulling the blade free. 

"I GOT IT!" Thorin shouted coming up behind Jason and whacking him in the back of the legs. 

"Bloody hell!" Jason shouted dropping to the ground. 

"I WHACK IT AGAIN!" Thorin declared.

"Where did he get a bludgeon?" Rhae questioned, no one moved to help Jason as Thorin whacked him again. Taelon looked to Harwin. 

"I told him it was a lion. Better hunt than a bear." Harwin offered. 

"Be a man about it Jason." Rhae suggested as he curled up whimpering for Thorin to stop. 


"I did good, did I kill it?" Thorin questioned as they walked back. 

"Almost buddy." Taelon corrected when Rhae grabbed his arm stopping him. 

"Taelon, the white hart." Rhae rasped. Taelon picked up Thorin so not to scare it off or try to bludgeon the beautiful hart before them. 

"We whack it?" Thorin questioned confused. 

"No buddy." Taelon corrected. 

"Prophecy." Rhae remarked. "The prince that was promised..."


Taelon turned around to see Nyra covered in blood walking through the camp.

"Nyra?" Taelon questioned moving to her. She stared up at him. "Is that..." She seemed fine but that was a lot of blood.

"I joined in the hunt." Nyra offered. "Did you catch the hart?"

"Rhae did." Taelon agreed softly. "Saw a white one too, Thorin whacked Jason for you a few times." Nyra stared up at him waiting, she wasnt sure what she was waiting for but she waited.

"Favorite nephew." Nyra agreed. "I will have to get him a present for that." Taelon nodded slowly as he pursed his lips. 

 "You are alright love bug?" Taelon rasped.

"I am." She agreed. Taelon hesitated a moment before hugging her. Her arms wrapped around him and this wasnt how she wanted this to go. Her covered in blood and reeking of boar but she held him tight. Wishing things could go back to how they were before and knowing that everything had changed. 


 "I need to check on my father, he can't handle his liquor." Taelon mused. "You coming with me?" Taelon asked seeing Thorin on their bed.

"I'm good." Thorin replied pulling the covers up over him.

"He's good." Taelon remarked with a chuckle. "I'm high on the hunt still." Taelon informed Thorin. "I need to get some of that energy out on mommy. You are not allowed in bed for that." Thorin covered his eyes hiding under the covers. "I will be right back." Taelon remarked kissing Rhae again. She moved to the bed laying beside Thorin. 

"Auntie Moody said I'm the best and shes getting me a present for almost killing the lion." Thorin informed her. 

"Wow... thats really nice of her." Rhae agreed. 

"They are the future of the realm. Well, you yourself witnessed the scale of the celebration, how it's united the men. Aegon, like his namesake, was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. If Viserys were to name him heir, the realm would fete him for it.' Otto remarked but Alicent stayed silent. 'And does this not please you? Do you not want your son to be King?'

'Taelon will be king." ALicent corrected. "I know you dont..." She hesitated why couldnt her father see that Taelon was the right choice, Rhae was a good woman and Alicent couldnt wait for Viserys to die and she could be free. "But Taelon will be good. You need not force this, Taelon is healthy, the king is healthy."

"I don't want him to be robbed." Otto remarked.

"Robbed?" Alicent hissed. 

'It is Aegon that's being robbed. He's the firstborn son."

"He's not." Alicent corrected. "He's my first born but not the kings."

 "To deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail the laws of gods and men." Otto hissed.

"Taelon... Thorin... he...  there is no need." Alicent said through shaky breaths. "Please leave. I dont want to hear of this again." Alicent begged. "Taelon is the heir. Thorin is his heir."

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