chapter one

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Nash's POV.

"I swear, each year Alpha Fredick becomes more and more arrogant," I comment to my friend, Alpha Kyo, as we exit the building.

He snorts and nods. "100%, that man's ego is bigger than his territory."

"And his dick, I bet," I mutter, making Kyo laugh.

We are currently at the Alpha's Summit. It's a quarterly meeting where all the Alphas in one section of the country get together to discuss important matters. For me, it is the leaders of the packs in the east of the country that gather together. Kyo's pack doesn't border mine, but it's only a two-hour drive away.

This year, the summit is being hosted in Sandchester. We've spent the day strategising and planning targeted reactions to attacks on our kind. It's been a long day with few breaks between meetings, Kyo and I are ready to relax. We headed out earlier than the others to get some drinks.

Sandchester, despite its sleepy name, is quite a trendy city. There are a lot of bars and clubs in the centre and we head straight for them. It's easy to go from bar to bar, they're all so close to each other. We had five bars in the space of two hours. Despite being a large werewolf, the alcohol hits me fast.

Kyo points out a bar on the corner, popular for its faux plant foliage and discounted cocktails. It is happy hour and I am ready to get happy. We walk in and I stop short, caught off-guard by the scent of fresh linen, magnolia and jasmine. I breathe in a deep inhale and scan the room.

The source is easy to find, it comes in the form of my mate, that much is certain. She has her back to me and is draped sexily across a pool table as she attempts to make a difficult shot. When she falters and misses slightly, she straightens up and laughs it off, flicking her long black hair back from her face. She's so beautiful. She has warm brown skin that glows under the golden lights of the bar.

"Dude, you coming?"

I grab Kyo's arm when he prompts me. "See that girl there?"

He frowns and squints. "The Asian chick? Looks maybe Indian? Her?"

"Yes, her," I reply eagerly. "That's my mate."

"What!" He looks at me in shock. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. I just caught her scent."

I can't take my eyes off her, not even to look at my friend as we're talking. She's hanging out with some friends, playing pool. She's wearing the tiniest little dress that shows off legs that go on for miles. This is the woman I have been waiting all my life to meet, a long twenty-seven years.

A guy passes us and walks straight over to the group. He leans in and hugs each of the girls, a growl erupts from the back of my throat as he hugs my mate.

"I'm going to go over there."

"No you're not," Kyo snaps, dragging me back by my upper arm.

"He's touching her," I snarl and he narrows his eyes at me.

He grabs my shoulders and forces me to turn and face him.

"Look at me, Nash. You've been drinking, your temper is shorter than normal and you might scare her. If you go over there now, chances are you will say the wrong thing and come across as a douche or intimidating."

As much as I hate to admit it, he has a point.

"She's human, man. She's not going to feel the bond the same way that you do, she won't understand the sudden need to be around her. Leave her be for tonight, she's having fun with her friends."

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