chapter two

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Kyo's POV.

"Why is my mate the only one that hasn't confirmed yet?" I complain and Nash rolls his eyes.

"I told you, Leroy is chasing her today."

As he finishes speaking, Leroy pokes his head around the door and then walks in. "Just got off the phone with her now, she's in."

"Yes!" I shout triumphantly, jumping to my feet and raising my fists in the air.

"We're going to need to film the interviews now, Alpha," Leroy reminds Nash.

I frown at my friend. "Interviews? What interviews?"

"It's meant to be like a reality TV series, Kyo," he replies. "Each of us, including the girls too, are going to be interviewed in front of a camera. Nothing heavy, just some simple questions about ourselves. Then, when we're done, our recordings will be swapped between pairs. You'll get to see what your mate answered and she'll get to see what you look like."

Oh, shit!

"What, before she's even met me?"

"Yeah, so she knows what to expect. Although, Leroy has had some really good ideas and one idea is that we'll meet with a screen between us first so that they don't know what we look like."

"So the first date will be like Love Is Blind?"

"Exactly, yeah. They'll just hear us at first, then they get to go back to their rooms and see the interview recording, then they'll know what we look like ready for the second date."

"I thought we're all living in the same house, though? Won't they see us then?"

"The girls are going to move in first and have day one to themselves to settle. We'll move in day two."

I think about it and nod. "Okay, sounds good. So...what do I need to do exactly?"

Nash's Beta sets up a room for us. A stool is positioned in front of a white wall, a camera sitting on a tripod is a couple metres in front of it, there are even soft boxes pointed at the stool.

"Shit, this actually looks professional," I comment and Beta Leroy huffs.

Nash gives me a pointed look and claps his Beta on the back.

"It looks awesome, thank you for sorting this."

"No problem. Now, who's first?"

Nash looks at me and I look back at him. We stare at each other until I sigh and shake my head.

"Fuck it, fine. I'll go first."

I walk over to the stool and sit down. I shift around on it, but it's hard to get comfortable when you've got a camera in your face. Leroy turns on the lights and I'm momentarily blinded.

"What do I do now?"

"We'll do a practice run first," Leroy says from behind the camera. "I won't record the first time, we can work on what you're going to say. So, pretend I'm recording, and action. Kyo, tell us a bit about yourself."

I blink at him, at a loss for words now that I'm on the spot. At the back of the room, Nash laughs at me, I hold my middle finger up at him.

"Uh, I'm Kyo, I'm twenty-six, I...shit, what do I say I do for a living?"

Leroy glances at his Alpha. "I hadn't thought about that. What about that you're into real estate? You own and develop land?"

"Yeah, we could both do that," Nash chips in.

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