Chapter 10

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When your heart breaks...

You walked into your graduation, wearing the cap and gown that you had been given by the university. You felt odd, and slightly worried. Oliver had come earlier than you to help get everything ready. You turned the corner, to get to the graduation, and there you saw Oliver. You walked towards him, but getting closer you saw a scared expression. You opened your mouth to ask him a question, and Inuyama Tamaki walked out, pinned Oliver to the wall, forcibly pushing him against the wall and kissing him. You ran away from the horrid sight, tears streaming down your face. Inside, you knew he wouldn't, but you couldn't bear that sigh. "Y/N!" Oliver yelled. Inuyama just chuckled.

Oliver Pov

I had  gone to the university to help set up the graduation, and Inuyama was there too. She had been healed since her fight, but the whole time she had been flirting with me. I just ignored her. When it was about time to start, I walked down the hallways to find Y/n. Looking around, I saw Inuyama. I backed into a corridor, scared. Inuyama stalked forward, pinning me against the wall and kissing me. I heard someone gasp, and then run the other way. I looked around, and say Y/n running. "Y/N!" I screamed, scared that she would think I invoked this. She didn't turn around, and Inuyama just chuckled.

Y/n Pov

Gasping as I ran out, I ran into Lain and Leos, Axia and Elmira, and Lauren and Selen. They saw my tearstained face, and immediately knew something was wrong. "I can't do this." I gasped. I just ran, not looking back.

(Another Love by Tom Odell)  I wanna take you somewhere, so you know I care, But it's so cold, and I don't know where, I brought you daffodils on a pretty string, but they don't flower like they did last spring, and I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright, I'm just so tired to share my nights, I wanna cry, and I wanna love, but all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, up, and if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight, but my hands have been broken one too many times, so I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude, words they always win, but I know I'll lose, and I'd sing a song, that'd just be ours, but I sang 'em all to another heart, and I wanna cry,  I wanna learn to love, but all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love,  all my tears have been used up, oh, up, oh, need a love, now my heart is thinking of, I wanna sing a song, that'd be just ours, but I sang 'em all to another heart, and I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love, but all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love, another love, all my tears have been used up, up.

When you reached home, you messaged your sister to get your certificates. She agreed, but you would have to explain to all of them, bar Oliver, when they got home. You just picked up Midnight, a hot chocolate, and your laptop. You went to your room, and locked it, piling blankets around you and your cat, and opening Attack on Titan. You had watched most of it, and were on the last season. You just sat there for the few hours. 

When Lauren, Axia, Leos, and Lain got home, you closed your laptop, and opened your door. They sat on the floor around your bed, except for Lain, who sat next to you. "What happened Y/n?" Lain asked, rubbing your back. Oliver heard Lain, and sat outside your door. "Well, Oliver went early to help set out. And Lain, if you remember Inuyama, she likes Oliver. When I got there, I saw Inuyama kiss Oliver in the corridor. I don't think he would do that but..."

Oliver walked into your room. "Y/n, I know you are insecure, but how could you think I would do something like that!?" You teared up at the worried expression that painted his face. He sat on the other side of you, and you leaned away. He looked at you, and nodded. "I understand if you hate me right now, but please understand that she forced herself on me, and I didn't want it. I'm too in love with you to do anything. I'm so sorry darling. I fucked up." he sat his head in his hands, and you sadly smiled, and Lain leant over. "He never swears, so his serious about this." she whispered. You immediately wrapped your arms around him. "I absolutely hate Inuyama." He laughed. "Me too baby." 

The rest of the group walked out of the room, leaving you and Oliver sitting there, you sobbing into his shoulder, and him trying to console you. You loved this man so much, and never wanted to leave him. Ever. You wouldn't let anything come between you, and neither would he. You two were soulmates in everything that they were. You couldn't be more in love than this. And both of you knew and felt that way.

You thought about the date you had yesterday. Him with the cats was so cute. He had the sweetest smile, the most adorable laugh, gorgeous eyes, a perfect body, smart. He was amazing, in every way possible. You may not have all that but YOU are perfect just the way you are. You are perfect for him, and everyone else in your life. Keep being amazing, you awesome person. Because everyone who knows you is lucky. So many people love you, and I hope you know."

Madness ~ Y/n Paterson X Oliver EvansWhere stories live. Discover now