Chapter 2 Tough luck Chuck

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The recruits were doing a training simulation and things were going okay until Scorch damaged Chuck and the sim ended. 

"Okay recruits that's enough for now, let's see if we can repair Chuck." Heatwave said. 

They took a look at Chuck. "The damage is more serious than normal, Boulder will need to make new parts," Heatwave said.

"That's not good," Hot shot said.

"Until that can be done someone has a bot sit him," Heatwave said. "Scorch you will watch him until it can be done." he said.

"Okay," Scorch said. 

Scorch strapped Chuck to a chair and proceed to play a video game on his cyber tablet. "You know Scorch you should remember to keep you focus on Chuck," Hot shot said when he saw what was going on.

"Relax he's not going anywhere." Scorch said. "You want to watch him?" he asked.

"Heatwave told you to do it." Hot shot said and then saw Chuck managed to get loose and wander off.

"He's gone I better go find him," Scorch said. 

They found him and Scorch was trying to keep Chuck from wandering off. He saw Whirl doing some research. "Hey Whirl you want to watch Chuck for a while?" Scorch asked.

"Scorch I thought Heatwave asked you to do it?" Whirl said.

"He did, I think he just doesn't want to watch him," Hot shot said. Then sprayed Whirl by accident. "Sorry," he said.

"It's okay," Whirl said. Then she noticed something. "Where did Chuck go?" she asked looking around.

They started to look around and saw Chuck was in the ground bridge room. "There he is," Hot shot said pointing. 

"Hey Wedge and Hoist," Whirl said.

Hoist was holding on to Chuck. "Do you guys want to watch Chuck?" Scorch asked.

"Scorch, Heatwave told you to watch him," Hoist said.

"Yes he did," Wedge said.

Then Heatwave walked through and Hoist dropped Chuck. Heatwave just walked away as if nothing was going on. 

When the recruits were not looking Chuck went into the ground bridge. Whirl noticed this and was worried. "Guys Chuck had just gone through the ground bridge," she said.

"That's not good," Hot shot said.

"Yes this is bad," Hoist said.

"Yes if someone finds him they might find out he was made with alien technology and expose the rescue bots secret," Wedge said.

"Which means we must tell Heatwave about this," Medix said.

"I know he is not going to be happy about this," Hot shot said.

"Your telling me I am so in trouble," Scorch said. They went to find Heatwave and told him what had happened. He was not happy when he found out.

"You recruits should've known better, and Scorch you really need to what you are told," Heatwave said. He took them to Milford and they started to look for Chuck there.

They looked all over the place for him. Heatwave was staying close to Scorch as was Hot shot. It made Scorch pretty nervous.

"Look there he is, in that parking lot," Scorch said and he rushed over to get him. He avoided mowing down someone and got Chuck. 

They took Chuck back to the academy for repairs. The repairs were finish and now Chuck was going to be fine. 

"I am really sorry," Scorch said. "Next time I will do as I am told and try not to hand off my responsibility to anyone else." he said. 

"That is very good and expect all of you to do that," Heatwave said.

The other recruits agreed to it and were so glad that had found Chuck and now it was back to training.

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