𝗼𝐧𝐞. 𝐡𝗼𝗺𝐞𝐜𝗼𝗺𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐬

776 36 2

Kendra sat in the backseat of Charlie Swans Police Cruiser, while she let Bella get front seat. Kendra had slipped on her gray jacket to keep her warm before they had even left the airport.

The car sat at a red light, when Charlie speaks up, "Your hair's longer." Charlie comments to Bella, "Hmm." Bella hums, "I cut it since last time I saw you." Bella says, looking down at the ends of her hair

"Guess it grew out again." Charlie replies awkwardly, turning back to the road. She just nods. Silence.

Wow. This is going to be fun.

"How's your mom?" Charlie asks

"Good." Bella says, with a slight nod. More silence. Yikes. They pass a sign: "The City Of Forks Welcomes You - Pop. 3246." Kendra sighs. "Now 3248." Kendra mumbles to herself.


The cruiser pulls up to the old two-story house. A woodshed full of firewood. There's a small boat in the garage, fishing gear, an old buoy. The three Swans climb out... home.

Bella, Kendra and Charlie carry in their bags. The house isn't stylish (the only new thing here is a Flat Screen T.V.), but it's comfortable, lived-in. Lots of fishing memorabilia; photos of Charlie fishing with Quileute Indian Billy Black.

Handmade cards to "Daddy" and photos of Bella and Kendra. The two wince at themselves, age 7 and  6, in a tutu, sitting stubbornly on the ground.

"I put Grandpa's old desk in your room. And I cleared some shelves in the bathroom." Charlie says, saying the first part towards Bella, and the next part towards the both of them. Bella grimaces, "That's right. One bathroom." She whispers, more to herself than anyone else.

Kendra's eyes wonder around the room, seeing family pictures, a few of just Bella and Kendra hanging around, with a few Charlie was in. And of course, pictures of Charlie fishing.

"I'll just put these up in your rooms-" Charlie says, "I can do it" Bella instantly replies, they both reach for the bags, bumping one another awkwardly. Bella backs off, letting Charlie carry the bags upstairs.

An antique rolltop desk sits in a corner. The room is filled with childhood remnants that have seen better days. As Charlie and Kendra leave Bella to unpack, Charlie shows Kendra her room. It used to be his guest bedroom, especially since both girls loved staying in the same room for a couple nights when they stayed at his house.

Walking into the room, Kendra's eyes instantly land on the antique easel, one her grandmother had used.

Charlie sets Kendra's bags down with a slight thump noise.  "Thank you." Kendra says, to Charlie's back, "No problem, Ken." Charlie says, a small smile spreading across his lips.

Charlie takes a second, before leaving Kendra alone in her room. Kendra throws her first suitcase on her bed and begins to unpack her clothes into the drawers, and her shirts and jeans going into the small closet.

Kendra hears two honks outside, she runs across the hall, being joined by her sister, to look out the window to see a faded red truck Circa 1960 pull up and along with her black Beetle Volkswagen.

"Black Beauty's here." Bella comments to her sister, "Hell yeah, it is." Kendra says, a smile plastered on her face.

Bella exits to find Charlie greeting the driver, Jacob Black, and of course the mover waiting to be paid. Kendra walks over to him, handing him $50, "Thank you." Kendra says, smiling at the man,

"No problem." The mover replies, joining his buddy in the small car. Kendra turns to them at the sound of her name, "Bella, Kendra, you remember Billy Black." Charlie says, gesturing to the man.

"Glad you're both finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you two told him you were coming." Billy confesses happily, "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill." Charlie threatens the man in the Wheel chair.

"Right after I ram you in the ankles." Billy says, he takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. Jacob shakes his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches Bella and Kendra.

"I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids." Jacob says, more towards Bella then Kendra

"Yeah... I think I remember..." Bella says, trailing off, she turns to the two men in the middle of the road messing around,

"Are they always like this?" Kendra asks, turning to look at the boy, "It's getting worse with old age." Jacob answers with a nod and a small smile on his face.

Charlie then pats the hood of the truck, addressing Bella, "So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" Charlie asks, "No way. The truck is for me?" Bella questions,

"Just bought it off Billy, here." Charlie answers, looking over at the man, "I rebuilt the engine and" Jacob gets cut off by Bella yelling, "It's perfect!"

She beams. It's the first genuine smile Kendra's seen on her since the two planned on coming here. She rushes to the truck, Jacob eagerly joining her. While the two run to the truck, Charlie hands Kendra 100 bucks, "That's for the movers payment and something extra." He says,

"Thanks." Kendra says, moving the $100 bill in her fingers before sliding it into her back pocket. Smiling at her sister as she seems to love the truck.

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