Chapter 4

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Rudeus POV:

Right now me and Orsted are standing in the middle of a desert. About 300 meters from us is a huge boulder.

"So this is their hideout huh? Pretty smart to be honest." Orsted seemed a little surprised about it. I thought he for sure would know about its locations, but i guess i was wrong.

"Yea, This is it. That big boulder is actually a door that leads to the main base. The S-rank monster that used to live around here was a sandworm, but not just any sandworm. He was the biggest and the strongest among his kind, named the 'Sand King'."

"During the second human-demon war, demon god Laplace was somehow able to control it and command it to dig tunnels for him and his army to move better without getting noticed by the humans. A lot of battles were won using this method. When the humans finally discovered how they are able to dig these tunnels, they sent on of the heroes here to slay it."

"Over time this tale was forgotten and people just moved on. But there were some who still knew of its existence. So they decided to create the hideout here and that's how the Red Cobras were formed."

I gave a full explanation to Orsted who was now looking at me with a difficult expression.

"How do you know all these things?" He asked.

"I already told you before but i guess i will repeat myself. I will tell you everything after my mother is saved, until that don't ask anything about how i learned my magic or how i got all this information."

Orsted shook his head and then turned back to observing the bolder.

"Rudeus. It will be difficult for me to get in there without getting noticed." He informed.

"Yea i know, because of your curse, you will be sensed from 100 meter distance!"

He turned to look at me with a surprised expression and looked like he was about to ask something, but then i guess he changed his mind and just nodded,

"Don't worry. I won't grab all the fun and im not stupid enough to fight those guys in such a closed space. I also don't believe i could win against them with the way i am now. They have about 1000 man in there for fuck sake."

"Im going to go in, cause a big ass commotion and lure them all out. From there you wait for my signal, the moment you see it. BAM. You join in and help me slaughter them. After we have done that, we can loot the place. Take all the magical items and tools, gold, equipment and so on. Sounds good to you?"

Plus i need to get rid of this place as soon as possible, a lot of Hitogamis followers will come from here in the future.

"That's not really a good plan and i disagree on a lot of points in it. But with the limited time we have its better then nothing."

"Good. Then wait here im going in." After saying these lines i immediately ran straight for the bolder. While running there i channeled a large amount of mana into my arms. I need to use a strong spell, not only is the boulder incredibly thick but there is also a king class barrier protecting it.

When i got about 100 meters closer i was immediately noticed by the watch guards. They started shouting pointless things like 'INTRUDER' or 'ENEMY ATTACK'.

It's not like there is anyone or anything that can save them now. I mean a god-rank mage is running straight at their bases entrance and there is a dragon god, second among the seven world powers. just waiting for a chance to attack.

If they knew what was coming, most of these guys would give up and run. Of course their stubborn leader Emery would stay. But that's besides the point.

Getting closer i extended both my arms in front of me with open palms. A purple light started gathering at the palms of my hand. Then two purple beams shot out from them and headed straight for the boulder.

Mushoku Tensei: Oldeus is back.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora