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I don't know why people like me.
I don't know why people love me.
I don't know why people care for me.
I don't even know if they actually do.

Maybe it's just in my head.
Maybe everything is just in my head.
Maybe my friends just live in my head.
Maybe this world is all just in my head.

I don't know why,
I don't know how.

I honestly don't seem to know anything!

I feel so dumb,
I feel so stupid,
I feel so worthless,
I feel so ugly,
I feel so weak,
I feel so weird,
I feel so mean..

Maybe because I am.

I am just a stupid girl, 
nothing more and nothing less.

I was close stabbing myself.
I was close hanging myself.
I was close crushing myself.
I was close killing myself.

I don't know why I'm like this..

Suicide just seems the best option.

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