Powerpuff ENOUGH!

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There once were three small girls.
One red, one blue, one green.
The heroes of this world,
But bullied between the scenes.

They keep on getting bullied,
By various little girls,
If they do nothing at all,
Or if they even save the world.

The red girl starts to pray,
"Oh god, this can't go trough!
No matter what we try,
No matter what we do!"

The blue girl continues.
"Oh god, what shall we do?!
We keep on getting bullied,
We cry, and pray to you!" 

Then there goes the green girl, 
Who's clearly got enough,
Her heart is made from steel,
And her attitude is rough.

"Hey, girls I think I know 'sum!
I don't want this anymore,
Stop, we will not serve them.
We will start a war!"

"Glory will be ours."
The red girl, blossom says.
"We'll get our revenge,"
The blue girl nods a yes.

There once were three small girls,
One mad, one sad, one done.
They enter their beloved school,
The drama has begun.

There once were a few bitches,
Laughing at the girls.
Not knowing what'd happened,
Between their laughing twirls.

There once were three small girls
With powers of a god.
They take their revenge,
They seem slightly odd..

There once was a school,
Filled with bleeding corpses,
The bullies were just stupid,
And the girls were amazing.

Of courses!

Poems :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon