alein fight

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i walk outside to all the people screaming and rushing around to leave the area. i look up and there is a circular ship in the air coming our way.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y evac anyone south of 43rd street, notify first responders." i say. "will do." F.R.I.D.A.Y said back to me.

Strange stops the engine to the ship and the dust around us blows away. Some squid comes walking out with a big old "tough" guy.

"Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to" the squid said.

i take a breath in. "i'm sorry earth is closed today. you better pack it up and get outta here." the squid wanna be looked away from me. ignoring me.

"stone keeper." he said talking to strange. "does this chattering animal speak for you?"

strange bumps his first together causing his powers to show. wong did the same. "Certainly not. I speak for myself. But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

"it means get lost Squidward!" i say speaking my mind. he did in fact look like him.

he sighed. "he exhausts me.. bring me the stone" he held his hand out. "banner, you want a piece?" i ask.
"no, not really, but when do i ever get what i want."

"that's right."

Bruce attempts to release the Hulk. Instead of Hulk coming out easily, the most that turns green is Bruce's neck. i look at him like he's got 8 heads.

"been a while, good to have you buddy" i 'joking' say.
"i just... i need to concentrate here for one second. come on. come on man." he said talking to the green man himself.

"where's the guy?" i ask annoyed. "i don't know. we sorta been havin' a thing" he said still trying to get mad. "there's no time for a thing." i greet through my teeth.

"i know." he spat. "that's the thing right here, let's go." i finish. banner gives a loud grant but fails again. i glance at strange. "dude, your embarrassing me in front of the wizards."

"tony, i'm sorry either i can't- or he won't." "it's okay.. hey stand down." i say to bruce. i look at wong "keep a eye on him, thank you."

"i have him." he said. "damnit" bruce said. "if your green friend won't be joining us." strange was saying before he teleported away with bruce. he came back minutes later. "excellent." i say. we start fighting squidward and his "hulk".

"ouch." i say as i was slapped into the ground. "tony you okay?how we doing? good? bad?" i questioned.

"really really good. really good. do you plan on helping out?" i say while fighting mr alien hulk.
"i'm trying. he won't come out." he said frustrated.

squid man throw a hammer at bruce but i got him out of the way in time. "hammer." i see bruce hitting himself. "Come on, Hulk. What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out!" he says to himself.

"NO!" hulk said. "no?! what do you mean no!!" Bruce grunted. i see spider boy come to help. "hey man, hey mr. stark!" he said

"kid where you come from?" i say while getting off the ground. "field trip to MoMA." the black wanna be hulk grabbed peter and throw him. "hey what's this guys deal?" he said getting up.

"he's from space. he came to steal a neckless from a wizard"

we all get lined up again after fighting awhile. "your powers are quaint. you must be popular with children." squidward said.

Peter attempts to anchor Strange to a lamppost, but squid boy breaks the lamppost, sending Peter and Strange up in the ship's tractor beam

"Mr. Stark? I'm being beamed up."

"Hang on, kid." one of the bag guys goes to jump To
on me. he is sent through a portal. i turns towards Wong, the one who made the portal "Wong, you're invited to my wedding." i say.

i begins to fly towards the large ship. "Give me a little juice, F.R.I.D.A.Y" i say to the robot. my feet thrusters turn morph together into a larger one. "Unlock 17-A." i say.

a pod jettisons from the New Avengers Facility. "Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you."

"But you said save the wizard!" he said. "I can't breathe!" You're too high up. You're running out of air.

"Yeah! That makes sense."

Peter passes out, free-falling, but not before the pod reaches him. It attaches itself to him, becoming the Iron Spider suit. Now being able to breathe, Peter lands on a bottom part of the ship, standing up heroically.

"Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!"

"Happy trails, kid. F.R.I.D.A.Y, send him home." i say

"Yup." the robot said.

((you know the rest))

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