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elena's pov:

"you ready to fight?" he asked me. "always." he smiled faintly. "what's the mission?" he asked me. "get the stone.. and don't let anyone stop me." he patted my shoulder. "good."

we landed and exit the jet with his men already ready to get bloody. we step out and stand in front of his men. i look at all the people i never met "avengers!" steve shouted. "assemble!"

they changed to us and we did the same. "get the stone!" he said. "yeah yeah" i say annoyed. i go attacking them they have portals opening with more people coming out.

i'm fighting someone i haven't seen in a while.. he was grey with red. "drax?" he waved. "hello" i shrug and we still fight.

"truce?" i thought. "sure" he nodded as we both walked past each other. then i see him. bucky. he's walking to me and i walk to him. he has a gun in his hand.

"what has he done to you doll." i think he was sorry. i squinted my eyes at you. "loose the gun?" he began. "fight the original way.."

"sure." he throw the gun to the side. we began fighting and fighting. while we were fighting i was getting these.... flashbacks?

it was day time, on a bridge, in traffic... it wasn't familiar tho. i shake it off. "elena? what's goin on?" i look at him. "you know my name?" he was shocked.

"you don't remember me?" i squint my eyes at him like i'm supposed to know. "no...but who are you?" we stopped fighting. "i was your best friend." he chuckled.

"remember... when sharon was giving shit and you defend me!" he said. flashbacks of that moment came flooding back.

i put my hands on my head. i think he saw it was effecting me because he kept going

"when you told me about longing? and told me to fo easy on you since you are a girl" i looked at him. "when you always told me..." he got closer to me.

"hey i like your metal arm... it's badass." i shake my head. my eyes turn white as i get a constant flash back. i gasp. "bucky?" he chuckled.

"how do i know it's you?" he asked me. "how do i know it's you?" he kneeled. "hey i like your metal arm... it's badass." he chuckled as he got back up.

"your okay." he hugged me. "your okay." he whispered. i looked up at him. he pressed his forehead against mine even tho i had look up a few.

"NOO!!!!" thanos yelled. "Damn it!" he yelled "you alright elena?" steve and the others came back over. "yeah. he wants to get the stones.. he's plan is to kill vision in front of wanda."

"he won't." tony said. "but someone has to snap. and it will kill them" i looked around. "what if someone immortal snaps?" i ask.

"that might work.." steve said. "just get me the gauntlet!" i tell them before turning away. "woah woah your not snapping." bucky said. "i'll be fine. i have a this." i say holding up the mind stone.

"where did you get that?" wanda asked. "the witch that i live with as a mind stone from her universe." i put it back in my pocket. "just the gauntlet?" tony asked.

"just the gauntlet." i confirm

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