chapter two

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Buzzardflight's warmth engulfed her two kittens as she snaked her long, tabby tail around the pair. Tealshine had left Buzzardflight in peace after a while meaning that she had the den to herself. The sound of Owlfrost and her kits out the front of the den reassured her, after all no-one likes the deafening torture of silence. 

Fawnkit squirmed like an earthworm in her mother's dark fur and burrowed further into it when a rush of wind entered the serene nursery. Breezekit however, lay curled up in a furry ball, sleeping soundlessly. His little chest rose and fell in a calming sort of way, one that Buzzardflight took enjoyment in watching. Almost a half moon had past since Buzzardflight gave birth to the little bundles of fur, and she expected them to open their eyes soon. 

Playfully, Fawnkit tumbled over her mother's tail and started batting it with her tiny paws.

"Come here little Fawny!" Buzzardflight mewed in a lively way. 

She collected the she-kit by the scruff and placed her carefully down in front of her.

 Already Buzzardflight had developed many nicknames for her kits that she took pleasure in calling the little ones by. 

Fawnkit nestled beside her brother and turned her face towards her mother. At that moment, Breezekit awoke and started mewling loudly.

Of course, it had to set Fawnkit off. 

The nursery now was a cacophony of yowling kittens and the queen tried her best to hush them. 

No avail.

"Please shhhhusssshhh." she ushered.

Breezekit silenced after a few more attempts and Fawnkit obeyed moments later.


"They opened their eyes!" Buzzardflight yowled.

Two light blue kitten eyes emerged from behind the pair of kits' eyelids and Breezekit was sat up with his head tilted beside. Fawnkit's eyes had flickered open heartbeats before Breezekit and they both scanned their surroundings warily.

"Mama...why are you making a big noise?" Breezekit asked, rather shakily. 

"You spoke!" 

"Mummy....I don't like the shouting," Fawnkit complained.

Tealshine had heard the yowling, clearly , and darted to see what had happened. The tom, who was purring contentedly, leant over his two kits and they locked eyes for the first time.

"I love my life." he muttered, touching his nose to his kits'.

Buzzardflight gave Tealshine a firm nod, a purr erupting in her throat.

Tealshine couldn't seem to look away from the kits' compelling eyes so he savoured ever  halcyon moment of it.

After a few moments, Fawnkit turned away from her father and she yawned loudly, revealing a brilliant set of stubby, milky white teeth. 

"Come on kits," echoed Owlfrost's mew as she entered the nursery.

"Hello mama's friend!" Breezekit meowed to the queen.

"Hi little Breezekit, you opened your eyes!" she noticed.

Her four kits bundled past Owlfrost and gaily greeted Buzzardflight's litter.

"You are Breezekit right?" a silver tabby she-cat asked. "I'm Brookkit."

Breezekit nodded slowly, blinking at the other kits behind her.

"This is Littlekit, Frostkit and Hollykit."


"Nice to meet you finally."

"Is that your sister?"

Fawnkit's ears perked up at the sound of new cats and she padded towards the newcomers.

"We can play when you are older!" Littlekit squealed.

"Sounds fun," Breezekit replied.

"Come on kits!" Owlfrost repeated, summoning her kits with a flick of her tail. "Sorry about that Buzz."

Buzzardflight usually hated being called Buzz by Owlfrost but for some reason, she didn't mind that time.

"Bye Owl..." Buzzardflight murmured. 

Owlfrost tossed a smile across her shoulder before settling down.


thanks for reading, i promise it will get better soon. The next chapter will take place a moon later but i thought i should do the part when the kits' eyes open. The chapters will also get longer.

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