chapter six.

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"Wake up my dears, it is dawn." came Buzzardflight's soft, thoughtful mew.

Slowly, Fawnkit lifted her head and glanced at Buzzardflight.

"We are going to be apprentices!" Breezekit yowled excitedly beside Fawn, amber eyes glimmering with anticipation. 

Fawnkit's ears pinned back at the loud noise erupting from her brother, "Shut up, you'll scare off all the prey for when our mentors show us the territory!"

Buzzardflight's amber gaze rested on Breezekit, "It is also the day I return to warrior duties." 

She didn't sound exactly happy about it but she didn't seem listless about it either. Hurriedly and joyfully, Fawnkit and Breezekit emerged from the nursery and immediately noticed Brookpaw and Frostpaw chattering by some light pink wild flowers. Frostpaw's endearing grin was plastered across his furry muzzle as he meowed enthusiastically. Fawnkit also noticed a small nick in his ear each time he flicked it. 

Frostpaw looks nice today for once.

She passed by quickly and elegantly, Brookpaw mewing in welcome as she did so. 

"Stay clean!" Buzzardflight reminded them from her seat in the nursery entrance.

"Yeah, yeah, we know!" Breezekit hissed jokingly.

Buzzing with excitement, Fawnkit's paws pattered the soft sand as she made her way across the camp. In hushed voices, Sequoiastar and Cherrycreek mewed urgently together and cast glances across the rest of the clan by the Hollowed Tree. Warm Newleaf air wafted through camp as Fawnkit surveyed the gathered warriors.

Primrosewhisker, Dolly, Rainthorn. 

She purred in excitement and her tail stuck upwards in the air.

Sequoiastar's gaze flickered upwards whilst clouds drifted across the mostly clear sky. 

He nodded to Cherrycreek and leapt atop the rock.

"Clan meeting!" he yowled.

Ears perked upwards and silence coated the clan before Sequoiastar spoke.

"It has come to my attention that some kits need to become apprentices. Fawnkit, Breezekit, step forwards." 

Obediently, they shuffled a couple steps closer to Sequoiastar. 

"Fawnkit you have reached the time when you are able to become an apprentice. Me and Cherrycreek have thought long and hard and have decided that Snowdropfur would be the most suiting mentor for you, we trust that she will bring you to become a spectacular warrior and produce a great cat of you." he paused, flitting his firm stare to Snowdropfur. "Snowdropfur, you have been taught well by Lionleap and we decided to give you your first apprentice, we know you will make Fawnkit into a great warrior, her name will now be Fawnpaw. Me and Sagecloud will take you to the Engraved Willow later."

 Sequoiastar hopped down and touched his nose to Fawnpaw's. He took a steady breath and repeated the process for Breezekit, now Breezepaw.

Later on, Fawnpaw and Snowdropfur introduced themselves formally and properly before Fawnpaw and her brother would leave for the Engraved Willow. This willow lay between Moon Plains and Sun Plains where new apprentices would greet Starclan for the first time.

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