chapter nine.

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She thought that everyone hated her after Buzzardflight. She didn't care, she didn't want them to care. Not even stupid Breezepaw. Death was hard. Too hard. As much as Tealshine and Littlepaw mew things like, 'it's fine!' Or, 'you'll get better...' She didn't care. She had needed to swallow her grief for the good of the clan and her family. She wasn't prepared for how soon Breezepaw's terrifying need to be in control would take over. 

Fawnpaw wasn't ready.

It was dawn, the time Fawnpaw loathed. Pulling herself from her dreams and much needed sleep. Being a cat in the wilderness was difficult, but Fawnpaw had figured out how difficult. Sun washed over the horizon, making everything a liquid gold colour. Morning dew sparkles on the landscape and soft morning breeze gently stirred the forest. Before the dawn patrol returned from their outing, Fawnpaw was called by Snowdropfur in an attempt to drag her out of the camp after endless dragging days of swirling depression.





His lithe figure loping at Snowdropfur's heels. His tabby fur ruffled by the shocking cold of the morning.

But- what?

Splintering the bitter silence, Frostpaw careered from the apprentice den towards them.

"I'm coming." he meowed.

Snowdropfur tilted her head, "Sure?"

Fawnpaw swished her tail, she knew why he was here.

'Thank you' Fawnpaw indicated with her long tail.

Breezepaw scowled, "We don't need you with us Frostpaw." he hissed.

Frostpaw frowned. "You do."

A flash of determination flickered through Frostpaw's eyes.

He loves me.

This was happening too quickly, she knew her brother's intentions but... was the she-cat ready? Emotions flooded her; anger, embarrassment, terror and love. All mingled into one icky, thick slur of feelings. Fawnpaw knew she had to get back for sunhigh, for Littlepaw. Heart pounding, she sprinted ahead.

"Wait up-" Frostpaw yowled.

Breezepaw was close behind, he clearly had been talking to Snowdropfur. After a while of running, Snowdropfur took to the front of the group. Fawnpaw was already gasping for air and padding uneasily beside Frostpaw.

"So..." Fawnpaw tried to distract herself. "How's Puddlerunner?" 

Frostpaw looked up, "Huh- oh. She's great, I mean- a great mentor. Not like brilliant since no cat can be as brilliant as Hollyp-" he was cut off by Snowdropfur. 

"This way!" the white she mewed.

Steering round a large oak, they followed into a clearing in the forest.

"Here. By request from Breezepaw, we are going to be battle training. I want you to focus now , Frostpaw especially. You're becoming a warrior soon and all."

Frostpaw nodded enthusiastically, "Can I go against Breezepaw to show you what Puddlerunner taught me last session?"

Snowdropfur shrugged and glanced at Fawnpaw, "But quickly, then one of you will duel Fawn here."

Fawnpaw writhed and squirmed under her brother's judgemental, brooding stare. She was petrified, and her depression was flooding back in crushing waves. At once, Frostpaw straightened himself and strolled in a casual manner to the other side of the clearing. Breezepaw did the same, but his eyes sharp and unimpressed by Frostpaw.

She curled up, not bearing to look. Her heart pounded as if a hummingbird's wings were thrumming inside of her and not a heart instead. A cold, devastated heart. Then, the battle commenced. Even though Breezepaw were told to keep claws sheathed, they came out anyway. Fawnpaw looked up, to check, to wait.

"C-can I go now Snowdropfur..?" she asked shakily.

"A few more moments." She curled her elegant white tail around her hind legs and contiued to cheer the toms on.

Yet more time passed.


Frostpaw froze in his tracks, whereas Breezepaw rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I'll go and fetch some water for you guys, Breezepaw and Fawnpaw I want you to get ready for your duel."

"What?!" Frostpaw protested. 

She couldn't hear. Just ran off.

Fawnpaw got up. She could visibly see Frostpaw's claws sliding out, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt anyone for no good reason.

"We know your plan to try and murder  your own sister Breezepaw." Frostpaw scowled. "Even for you, that's low Breeze." 

"Shut up and move over."

"Her stupid depression is too much and now that Buzzardflight is gone, there is nothing to be afraid of. Our father clearly doesn't want us and Starclan doesn't impact my choices. Now move."

"You don't believe in Starclan?" Frostpaw spat.

"Of course not you idiot of a cat, never did, never will."

Without warning, Breezepaw lunged for Fawnpaw, forcing past Frostpaw furiously. He gripped on to the tabby's leg and sank his teeth in, but before he could do any harm Snowdropfur yelled in utter rage at Breezepaw. Said some words that couldn't be taken back.

"I'M NOT APOLOGISING!" he roared.

"Go. Get the Stars out of my sight and go to Sequoiastar and think, what sort of a cat does that?" 

She had dropped the moss and Breezepaw had already sped off, but in the opposite direction, towards Sun Plains. 

"I'm so sincerely sorry I left you alone with him. I should of known...he had been acting up  earlier." Liquid streamed from her eyes. "I really am sorry."

Fawnpaw shook out her leg and buried her head in Snowdropfur's pelt. 

"I will never, let them hurt you ever again. I'm going to ask Cherrycreek to send a search patrol now, you two please go back to camp where it is safe. He will be sleeping in Sequoiastar's sight tonight, I will make sure of it."

"Thank you." Fawnpaw spluttered.

Maybe now that Buzzardflight is gone I can feel safe. But maybe with someone like Snowdropfur instead.

// oh wow, this chapter was difficult... please let me know what you think and keep in mind a very tired person wrote this (me) and that it may not be the best! lemme know watcha think.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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