who is stronger? Percy or Nico

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So listen. 

A lot of people for some reason think that Percy is much stronger than Nico, and that if they both will fight, Percy will win. 

I understand where they're coming from, really I do, Percy is one of the strongest half-bloods in the story, but he's not invincible, and a lot of people also forget some very important things when they bring up this situation of Nico vs. Percy. 

As a start, Nico is technically about 3 years younger than Percy, and yet Nico is at Percy's level if not higher than that level when it comes to fighting, which means that if they were both the same age, there wouldn't even be an argument on this issue, because it was clear that Nico would have won. 

What's more, although Percy can be deadly when he wants to, as we saw with Achlis and the toxins, Nico's powers are much more naturally dangerous, so although Percy's powers also have the potential to be like that, he doesn't know how to make them like that, and even if he does, it's known that he doesn't have the will or ways to make them like that, so he leaves them that way, But Nico is still practicing his powers, and unlike Percy, he knows what to do to exercise them as strongly as he can.

Although a lot of people are always locked in on the fact that Percy passed and survived Tartarus, many people also forget that Nico went through Tartarus before him, was there for much longer without the protection of the mist on his mind, and did all this alone or while he was in captivity by giants who tried to cause him even more suffering, and Percy was with Annabeth during the minimum time they were there, And hardly survived if it wasn't for Annabeth and Bob.

I personally think that if it comes to a fight, Nico will beat Percy simply because he is more trained (Nico has been trained for more than a year, and has trained himself additionally, while Percy has ever been in training only by Luke in the first book, and sometimes trained himself in the summer) and this without including the fact that Nico has control equal to Percy's control over his powers, but his powers themselves are much stronger than Percy's. 

*I'm sorry in advance if I insulted someone, I just had to get it out of my head

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