Chapter 1

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The month is December, the time of year that everyone loves.


Almost everyone.

One person dreads the holiday season.

Who and why you ask? Well let's jump into the story then.


"So what's this crispmas you all talk about?" Coran asks as he help Hunk hang up a string of lights in the atlas.

"Christmas." Hunk laughs. "And it's major holiday on earth. Families come together for a big meal, eggnog, presents, watching classic and cheesy Christmas movies, and then a man named Santa clause comes and delivers presents." Hunk tries.

"He gives presents to everyone?" Coran asks.

"Those who have been good. Stories are if you aren't good he leaves a thing of coal in your stocking." Hunk answers as he climbs down one of the ladders.

"I see." Coran thinks for a moment. "How can he tell?"

"He has a naughty and nice list that he checks twice a year." Hunk answers.

"With how many people on earth I'd think he'd check more than twice." Coran states making Hunk laugh. "So why all the decorating?"

"Honestly I don't know. Maybe because it feels so magical and special ." Hunk answers.

Once they are done they step back to look at their work. "Ah!" Coran looks and all he feels is a warmth in his heart. "I see what you mean." He states with a huge smile.

"Hey Hunk, you guys all done in here? I think kolivan and krolia could use some assistance." Pidge jumps into the room.

"On our way." Hunk states as coran follows him.

"Does anyone know where Lance is?" Pidge asks.

"No haven't seen him all morning. Which is weird. Usually he's the first one up on December 1st, getting started on the decorating first." Hunk answers.

"Right." Pidge agrees.

"Hes probably out doing some early shopping." Shiro jumps into the conversation with a big box holding a fake tree.

"That could be it." Pidge replies.

"What about keith?" Coran asks.

"Hes...he's not one for christmas." Shiro answers a bit sad.

"Oh?" Coran is confused.

"After losing his dad he had no one to really be there with him. He stopped celebrating when he felt his family was no more." Shiro explains.

"But now he has his mother, krolia." Coran points out.

"Still isn't the same for him. He had Adam and I before but it still wasn't the same for him." Shiro explains.

" I see." Coran replies.

*****Mean while*****

Lance was wondering around town. Looking at people hanging up christmas light, the Christmas trees, and extra decorations he just didn't feel in the holiday spirit. Something was missing. He wondered around and found himself back at base looking at the statue of Allura.

"Wish you could be here for this." Lance says to the statue as if it could talk back.

"Christmas blues?"

Lance turns around and there is that familiar black haired mullet.

"Oh hey keith." Lance greets as he goes back to looking at alluras statue.

"Everything okay?" Keith asks.

"I don't know." Lance replies. "Just not really in the holiday spirit." He answers.

"Missing allura?" Keith now asks.

"I miss her everyday. Just dont think that that is what is killing my holiday buzz." Lance replies.

"Everything okay with your family?" Keith asks.

"Yeah, no everything's great at home." Lance answers.

"So just seasonal blues." Keith replies.

"Maybe." Lance sighs. He then realized keith should be with the others and not here. "Wait what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I just got back from visiting my dad's grave." Keith answers.

"Oh." Lance feels guilty but doesn't know why.

"Wanna head back to base together?" Keith asks.

"Sure." Lance replies with a smile and walks beside keith.

They walk in and see the others decorating the inside the atlas. "There they are!" Pidge announces.

"Hey we could use another set of hands." Shiro states. "Why don't you two go and set up the tree in the control room." He orders and goes back to helping pidge.

"Sure." Lance agrees and nudges keith. "Let's go."

"Right behind you." Keith replies and follows Lance.

They head to the control room and begin to set up the fake tree.

"So, I hate to pry but when your mom wasnt here and before Shiro and Adam started to take care of you. What-"

"I use to just sit at the cemetery at my dad's grave and stay there all night." Keith answers before Lance could finish his question.

"Oh." Lance doesn't know what else to say.

They start digging into the box of decorations. Lance ends up pulling out a pink ordiment with silver snowflakes painted on it. It instantly reminds him of Allura.

He places the decoration down and starts walking away.

"Where you going?" Keith asks.

"Home." Lance replies. "Not feeling like decorating today." He states and leaves.

Keith watches as he leaves and then feels alone after Lance walks out the door. He looks to the tree and decorations and sighs. He continues to finish it himself.

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