chapter 3

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The team is up and doing their normal day to day runs.

Pidge working in the lab with Matt and her dad.

Keith with krolia, kolivan, coran, and Shiro improving defense equipment.

Hunk, as always, making sure the crews food is ready and delicious.

Lance, stays alone in his room. Angry with the world. Every laugh he hears in the hallway he wants to punch the person.

Lance pulls out his phone to see a text from Keith.

"Can you meet me by alluras statue?"

"Whatever." He replies back and heads to the statue. And there stands Keith. "Thought you were with your mom and step dad?" Lance asks.

"Kolivan." Keith corrects him. "And I was but I had something for you since I saw yesterday you weren't really yourself." He pulls out a small box and hands it to Lance.

"Christmas is a long ways away." Lance states.

"Well it's part of your gift. I think this one needs to be opened." Keith states.

Lance goes and opens the box to see a small electric device. "What is this?" He asks.

"Remember when allura would talk with her dad on the castle of lions?" Keith asks.


"There you go. Well it's her memories not her dad's but this way you could feel less alone?" Keith tries.

Lance looks at the device then at Keith. "Yeah...thanks man." Lance starts walking away.

"Did I do something wrong?" Keith asks, noticing Lance's tone.

"No. It's great. Thanks." Lance replies and leaves. Leaving Keith behind to think what he did wrong.

Lance locks himself back into his room and puts the box in a trunk. He lays back in bed and looks up at the ceiling.

"A small thing of her memories? How will that bring her back?" Lance growls.

Lance once again stayed in his quarters the entire day. Not even answering his phone.

Keith returns home. "I'm home!" He announces.

"Well what did he think?" Krolia asks as she walks into the livingroom.

"I don't think he he likes it." Keith answers.

"Why?" Krolia asks.

"I don't know. It just didn't seem like he really liked it." Keith answers.

"Well give it time." Kolivan jumps in. "He did just lose someone important to him."

"I know." Keith groans. He then heads to his room but before hand turns around to look at the two galran. "I'm glad you found each other and are going to be married but this is still weird." He points out in a joking manner and disappears into his room.

Krolia and kolivan both chuckle a bit and go back to what they were doing before, working on blade paperwork.

Keith plups down on his bed and looks up at the ceiling, thinking.

"How can I get Lance to be the old one? The Christmas loving one?" He thinks to himself.

He think jolts up and grabs his phone. He calls pidge.

"Pidge here." She answers.

"Pidge call the others l, except Lance and tell them to meet at alluras statue. I think I know what will get Lance in a better mood." Keith states.

Pidge agrees and hangs up the phone. Keith grabs his jacket and goes running out the door, leaving krolia and kolivan confused.

When Keith arrives at the statue, the others were already there.

"What you got going on in that head of yours?" Pidge asks.

"We decorate the statue of allura." Keith states. "Make Lance realize he's not the only one missing her."

"I like that." Coran replies. "Let's do it."

The team begins to retrieve extra decorations, buy some more, and then begin to decorate the statue.

"You really think this will help with lance?" Hunk asks.

"I don't know if it really will but I'm hoping." Keith replies and continues to string up the lights.

As soon as they were done, they all took a step back from it and looked at their creation.

"So who wants to go tell lance?" Hunk now asks but everyone goes to turn to look at Keith.

"Why me?" Keith asks.

"You're idea." Pidge remind him.

"Plus I think you're the only one he's willing to listen to." Shiro adds.

"Fine." Keith sighs and starts heading to Lance's quarters.

Keith knocks on the door.

"What?" He hears Lance.

"Can you come with me just for a minute. I want to show you something." Keith tries.

Lance opens the door looking at Keith dully. "Dude what's with you? Usually you aren't this helpful or clingy."

"Just come on." Keith tries to turn away before Lance could see his face.

Lance follows and see what alluras statue looks like now.

"Surprise!" The whole team shouts.

Lance says nothing as he looks at the statue and then to Keith. "What's your problem?"

"What?" Keith looks shocked at Lance's question.

"Whyd you do this? That's her statue." Lance growls.

"We were j-"

"What is with everyone and trying to decorate things that they shouldnt?" He growls and begins to walk away. Keith watches him walk off, hurt.

Shiro is the one to walk up to Keith now and places a hand on Keith's shoulder. "I thought it make him feel better and show we still think of her."

"I know." Shiro comforts Keith.

Lance became like this for the beginning of December. There was only 1 week left till Christmas and Lance was still in a sour mood.

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