Chapter 5

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The next morning Lance makes a dash for the atlas meeting room. He's hoping to find Keith there. As he barges in, he's only met by Coran, Shiro, kolivan, krolia, and Garrison commander.

"Where's keith?" Lance asks.

"He said he had things to do today." Shiro answers.

"Like what?" Lance asks.

"No idea." Shiro replies.

Lance then rushes out of there and heads to find pidge and Hunk. He finds them in the kitchen chatting. Pidge on her laptop and Hunk baking.

"Have either of you guys seen keith?" Lance asks.

"He went into town." Hunk answers. "Why?"

"I need to talk to him." Lance replies.

"I don't think he wants to talk to you." Pidge jumps into the conversation.


"We weren't suppose to tell you he was going into town." Pidge answers.


"Keith told us he was heading into town and said if you asked for him we aren't suppose to tell you where he is." Hunk replies, placing a batch of ginger snaps on the table.

"He that upset with me?" Lance asks.

"More like, heartbroken." Pidge replies finally looking away from her laptop. "We know you didn't mean to be so clueless and hurt keith."

Lance finally realizes what they are talking about. "I didn't know he was talking about me."

"We know and he does to. He feels more like he was pushing too much." Pidge explains.

"I gotta fix this." Lance states. "What is he doing in town?"

"Clearing his head and christmas shopping." Hunk answers.

Lance looks around. "I have an idea."

Keith goes around town, watching as families and couples enjoying the Christmas lights, scents, music, and shopping. Everything making his heart heavy.

The spirit of Christmas magic and/or wonder slowly fading as he begins to realize he has no one to share it with like his mother does, Hunk and Shai, pidge and her family, and coran with Romelle, and Lance with his family.

Sure Keith has his mother and Kolivan but the one person he wanted to share the magic with doesn't like him back and made it blunt obvious.

Kosmo rubs up against Keith's leg as if reading his mind.

"I got you don't I?" Keith asks the space wolf. "Thanks boy."

Out of no where there was a loud scream. A scream horror filled the air. People screaming and running. Keith stands up to look behind him and sees a bunch of people running away from something.

"Kosmo follow." Keith orders and goes to find out what's wrong, trying to get through the crowd that's running and screaming the opposite way. "No way!" Hes in disbelief when he sees the one alien they never would see again, Prince lotor.

"Miss me?!" Lotor growls and smashes the statue of Allura with a giant machine.

"Lotor..." Keith goes to grab his phone when lotor jumps down and snatches it and kicks Keith to the ground. He then pins him down with his foot. "What? No black or red lion coming to your rescue?" He asks as he throws the cell phone.

"Get the others." Keith orders kosmo.

Lotor goes to grab the wolf but Kosmo gets away before he can even lean forward for the dog.

"Whatever. I have the former leader of voltron, the half galra." Lotor grins as he grabs keith by the hair and drags him to the giant machine.

The others just finish up with the decorations and setting a mistletoe in place.

"Well?" Lance stands back to admire his work.

"I think Keith will love it." Pidge states.

"Now to go find him." Lance replies. He turns around to head out to the town and is tripped by an appearing kosmo. He trips and the wolf yelps while Lance falls on his ass. "Ouch!" He exclaims. "Kosmo? What's going on." Kosmo whimpers and Shiro comes rushing in with krolia and kolivan and coran.

"Lotor somehow is alive and he's got keith!" Shiro exclaims in horror.


"We gotta go help keith!" Pidge exclaims.

"Everyone to the atlas." Shiro orders.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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