chapter 2

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Lance walks into his home and is greeted by his family, who are also decorating for the Christmas season.

"Lance, baby what is wrong?" His mother asks as she notices the look on Lance's face.

"Nothing mama." Lance replies.

"I thought you'd be shopping by now." She states.

"Yeah just didn't feel like it." Lance replies to her. "I'm not staying long. Imma probably head back to base but I wanted to come home and see how everyone was doing." He adds.

"We are all good still. Oh!" She turns to look at her other children then looks back to Lance and leans in close. "Are you inviting your friend Keith with his mother over for Christmas. I know it's his first with his mother and her first one in general but maybe it be better to have a Christmas with friends and family?" She asks.

"I can ask him. But last I checked he's celebrating it with his mom and kolivan and the other blade members and Shiro." Lance answers.

"Kolivan?" His mother's confused.

"Leader of the blade and now fiance to krolia. Soon to be step dad to keith." Lance answers.

"Oh that big handsome alien that hangs around krolia." His mother replies.

"Yeah." Lance answers.

"And all of the blade?" She asks.

"Something like that. It might just be those three and Shiro and shiros husband." Lance answers.

"I see. Well please still invite all them over incase." She tries.

"I sure will mama." Lance replies.

He watches as she walks back into the livingroom, helping with lights.

He turns around and leaves, feeling unneeded there.

Lance doesn't know what to do with himself. He has no one special to share this holiday joy with. The one he had is gone, sacrificing herself for the universe.

Seeing the couples work on decorations and making plans makes him angry.

He lost everything for everyone to rub in his face that he sacrificed it all for these people who don't even notice the one who truly saved them is no longer here.

Lance clutches his fists as he thinks about the fact that he lost his someone to share the holidays with for these people.

Allura will never get to experience the wonder of earth holidays. Allura never got to actually live her life.


Lance looks up and sees Keith.

"Stalking me now?" Lance asks.

"No, heading back to the shack." Keith states.

"Oh." Lance let's out a sigh.

"Still in a grouchy mood?" Keith asks.

"I'm not grouchy." Lance argues.

"Okay. Well I gotta head back to the shack and then back to base." Keith replies and tries walking pass Lance.

"What was it like?" Lance asks.

"What was what like?" Keith asks, confused.

"Nothing..." Lance answers and walks away.

"Uh...okay?" Keith watches as Lance walks away.

Lance walked to the statue of allura, once again, and just stares at it.

"Everyone gets to celebrate with someone special. But me...." He states, clutching his fists.

After awhile Lance starts to head to his quarters at the Garrison, seeing the halls decorated pissed him off even more. He stormed into his room and locked himself away.

"I know I have my family and everything. But it's still not right she had to sacrifice herself for a planet that already forgot her sacrifice." He growls. "Keith now has his mother and soon to be step father, Shiro has his husband and Keith, pidge has her family, Hunk has Shae his family and hers, coran also has Keith and his family, and yet no one has thought about allura and if her statue should be decorated in her honor."

He lays in his bed, grouching about the world. "Christmas...bah humbug... " He growls and falls asleep.

A Voltron ChristmasOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant