The light leading to tommorow

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(In this Wukong and Macaque are known around as saviors. Macaque also stick around for a bit longer. So no sadness yet.... maybe. Theyre also known as the monkey king and the six eared macaque. Or by their other names from the shadow puppet play episode.)

~Lian's P.O.V~

I hear a knock on my door, "Your highness, are you done packing?" A voice asked. I looked at my bed with one bag packed. I paused to make sure I had everything before responding. "One moment please!" I said as I hurried across the room. "Your majesty, the king has requested to see you immeaditly though." One of the maids said. "The king can wait, he's my father he'll understand!" I said as I searched my room. I picked up a stuffed animal and shoved it into the bag and closed it.

There was a pause before the maid spoke again, "Fine, but please hurry miss. We don't want to keep your father waiting to long." She said sounding annoyed. I smiled and opened my door, "Percisely! Now let's go." I said as I hurried down the hall. The maid followed me. "Miss please don't walk so quickly!" The maid said as she tried to keep up. But I just walked faster.

~Time skip~

As we neared the throne room, the maid stopped and left. Respecting his majesties wishes supposedly, kind of annoying. As I was about to enter I heard my father talking with someone. "I'd expect none the less from you. You may be just starting to be known. But your reputation preceds you both." My father said, I peaked from behind the door leading into the throne room. Only to find out I could barely see who he was talking to. The person spoke, "Thank you your majesty." They said, my father smiled and nodded.

"You both promised to fufill my wish. I expect it to be done, there will be no room for failure or mistakes. After all, you will have to train her." My father said, "What in the name of sugar plums is he talking about?" I questioned to myself. Another voiced piped in, "Of course sir, we will do our best." They said happily, I heard a slight groan come from the other person. "Thank you for your reassurment. Now, she sha'll be here any moment. In fact, she was supposed to be here quite a bit ago." My father said as he fixed his posture. I widened my eyes. "Wait they were talking about me? I already know some basic training, so why-...." I thought to myself as I patted myself off.

I entered the throne room and made eye contact with my father. He smiled, "Ah there she is!" He said his smile widening. I gave a slight smile back as I walked to him, I then stood next to the throne my father was sitting in. "Hello Father." I said, he smiled. "Hello my dear, how nice of you to join us. I was just finishing a conversation between these gentlemen." He said as he gestured to the two infront of us. I looked at the men, one with bright orange hair (or fur idk TvT) and the other with with jet black.

They looked very similar, at first glance people may confuse them for brothers, but with a closer look they do have differences. One had certain facial structure, another with darker skin, and their markings were different. My eyes narrowed, my fathers face still filled with that brilliant grin of his. "Lian, these two are the new heroines of many villages below." My father stated, when he did I then recognized them from the stories. They spreaded like wildfire, I nodded. "The hero and the warrior correct? Better known as the monkey king, and the six eared macaque." I asked, my fathers eyes widened a bit.

"So you have heard of them?" He asked. I nodded. "I've heard of their deeds, and stories. They're quite interesting to say the least." I respond. One snickers and the other one jabs them in the side. "Interesting.... Lian, would you try and guess who is who? Show me if you know who's who. Because from what I know, not a lot of people talk about their differences." My father suggested, I paused and looked at the two men. One smirked slightly and one gave me a small smile. I shrugged, "I can try..." I said with a small smile as I examined the two.

The one with orange hair slightly fixed his stance, the other was standing straight. My father stood there watching with a small smile. (Mr. Smiles who?) I pointed at the orange one. "Monkey king. They said he had a staff, and some other things I'd rather not say at the moment." I said, "Wait a minute! What is that supposed to mean?! What have they said?" The hero said with a bit of worry, the warrior snickered. "I bet it's about how stupid you are." He responded, the heros head whipped over to the other.

"Exscuse me?!" He screeched, "You're exscused." The other respinded. I laughed, father cleared his throat and we all turned to face him. "I'm sorry your highness for him." The warrior said slightly annoyed. "It's quite alright." My father responded, "But yes Lian, that would be correct. That is the Monkey king, next to him is the six eared macaque. Now formally introduce yourself please." Father said, I looked at him with a smirk. "How formal we talking?" I asked, he sighed. "Lian. Just introduce yourself child." He said, I nodded and laughed.

"Hello, I am Lian Yun, nice to meet you." I said as I bowed my head a little. "Nice to meet you your highness, I'm Sun Wukong. Better known as the monkey king." Wukong said, I nodded acknowledging him. Then looked over at the warrior. "Um.... just call me Macaque. Nice to meet you." I smiled, "Nice to meet you both as well." I said, Wukong gave a smile and Macaque just stared. Father then stood, "Now that everyone has been introduced to another. Lets discuss as of why everyone is here." He said, everyone nodded.

"Lian, the reason why these gentlemen are here today is because once you leave you will be accompanying them on their travels and assisting them. In return they will be like bodyguards for you, while also helping to train you." Father said, Wukong raised his head in pride. "So I was right, they were talking about me." I thought, then paused before responding. "Wait. Why bodyguards? I get that I'm leaving but isn't them training me and me accompanying them already asking more than plenty?" I asked, my father nodded.

"You would be correct, but you need to be trained. I understand you know some basics of fighting and mastered some martial arts. But you can never know to much! Besides you will need to be safe if your sister ever escapes. Until then you will be getting first hand experience and traveling. Consider it a life lesson or something similar before you become queen." He responded, I groaned. Father raised an eyebrow, "Fine." I said, "but I modt likely won't enjoy it." I continued. My father smiled, "Good, you three will be leaving oncw you are all prepared."

To be continued...

I am so burnt out from school guys! Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed and sorry for any gramatical errors I will fix it later! But sorry once again if it seemed rush I wrote this within like two hours TvT
I hope you enjoyed!
~ rose 🌹

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