The Skeleton Key

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In the last chapter, Lian is reintroduced by Sun Wukong many millenia later, she had been working as a guardian in celestia for the alchemists and others who worked up there, yet she never returned to her island. Not only that, but Lian meets her old friends succesor and a friend of his, as Wukong trained Mk in turn she trained his friend who tagged along.

~On to the story~

Third person P.O.V

It has been quite awhile since MK and Jade had met Lian, and ober this time she has trained Jade and sometimes helped in training MK aswell, Lian thought that "Just teaching him the techniques of the Monkey King as his succesor will make him predictable to enemies who have fought Wukong." So she insists to help with a few things. With Jade everytime she trained she grew to realize that she actually had abilities, one day she was able to produce blue flames. Then Lian made her work harder in order to control her new found ability. Now it was another day of training with the two students, but Wukong went to take a break as the two did a practice spar match.

Lian stood on the sidelines as she watched them, waiting for them to be over to give her advice. MK was using his staff to deflect Jades attacks, once he got an opening he hit her in the side of her ribs with the staff. Jade took the hit and groaned, she held her side and stopped. She stood there to take a breath, MK noticed this and stopped and got worried. "Jade? Are you ok?" He asked as he lowered his staff, Jade then took this chance to tackle him to the ground and restrain him. "Ah! What the heck?!" MK questioned as he proccessed what happened, Jade snickered and Lian smiled.

"Alright, your little match is over you two." Lian said as she began to walk over to them. Jade got up and gave a cocky grin as MK sighed. "She got me again..." he mumbled with a bit of dissapointment. Jade smiled, "Hey don't look so glum MK, you've gotten me a few times too." She said as she reassured her friend and patted him on the back. Lian nodded, "Yeah kid, I wouldn't beat myself up over it. Besides it's just practice, which means there is bound to be trial and error." Lian said. MK sighed and nodded while giving a smile.

~Time skip~

Jade and MK we're back at the shop continuing to do what they were payed for, Tang was eating noodles while Pigsy cooked and was mumbling something angrily under his breath about freeloaders. Mei was there playing on her phone and Jade had taken another order then left and just when MK was about to leave as well but Mei stopped him. Mei hugged her friend, "Hey MK!" She said, MK smiled, "Hey Mei, what's up?" He asked mei. She let go of him and began talking to him, then Tang cleared his throat. "There's a guy here who wants to see you, he claims to be the mayor." He said as he pointed over to a table and went back to eating his noodles.

Mei nodded, "Oh yeah I forgot to mention that." She said as she laughed to herself. She then gestured over to a lanky man standing up, the man looked over at the two with a wide grin on his face and waved. Smiling the two friends waved back but with a slight feeling of unnerve. The then "mayor", began to talk to them. Rambling about nonsense as he dragged over a podium then stood on a box.

~Time skip~

After the mayor had given his "speech". He gave MK a key as a reward for saving the city, saying that it could unlock anything in the city and lead them to anywhere they want. Both MK and Mei grew excited and were talking about where they should go, then Jade walked in. Curious to see what both of her friends were being so hyper over she walked over to them to see MK holding a key. Curiosity getting the better of her she snatched it quickly and began getting a closer look at it. "Hey! Give that back Jade." MK said as Jade wapked away while holding the key. "What's this?" Jade questioned as Mei then took the key.

Mei smiled at her, "It's a key, it can take us to anywhere in the city, and the mayor said it can unlock anything!" She exclaimed. Jades eyes widened, "Anything you say?" She questioned, MK laughed and nodded. "We were having trouble finding out where to go, do you have any ideas?" MK asked, Jade nodded aggresively. "Arcade! Then let's go get boba!" Jade suggested, Mei smiled then nodded in agreement.

~Time skip~

The trio had spend their entire day hopping from place to place with ease thanks to the key, but where were they now? Back at Pigsys noodles mopeing, why were they mopeing? Cause a certain son of the Demon Bull King had snatched their key. They tried chasing him to get it back and almost succeded, but in the end Red son and his mother, Princess Iron Fan. Got away with the key. Mei sighed and MK was limp over a chair. Jade then groaned, "How do we tell the mayor? Not only that but Lian will notice our mood change later and ask what happened!" Jade said stating her worries, then MK joined in.

"Then she'll tell Monkey king, and what if they know about the key and what it does, and we just lost it so easily." MK said as he sighed. Mei then sat up, "....If they do know about the key, then they might know why they would want it." Mei thought aloud, Jade and MK looked over at her, eyes filled with dread. "Then the only choice is...." Jade paused, "To tell them and find out..." MK continued her sentence as he sighed.

To be continued...

Hey guys! Sorry about the long wait for the this chapter and that its so short with little detail, I didnt really have ideas for this one and trying to think of more while being burnt out is probabl not a good idea. Tried that once did not like it TvT
Anyways until the next chapter,
Rose 🌹

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