The end

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Julian watched as the guests had started arriving, a scowl on his face. The fake smiles, the formal pleasantries- they were all scenes he was all too familiar with. He'd lived through countless parties just like this, eventually meeting his end at one. It annoyed him to no end, Alison deciding to go through with the party.

Alison and Mike had been welcoming them with open arms, distributing floor plans and giving them a voucher for a discounted stay in the future. (that had been Pat's idea, which he was still proud of.) Julian finally huffed and gave up, making his way from the foyer towards the main room, which in this case was the biggest room- the sitting room. It had been decorated lavishly with baubles, holly, tinsel, stockings, mistletoe and other random Santa heads and figures.

He found Kitty and Mary there, discussing the guests from a safe distance near the fireplace, looking around in wonder at all the women in their neat suits (which included trousers). Pat was hovering over a group of teens, who were having a heated discussion about the match between Manchester and Liverpool that had taken place that weekend.

Thomas was nowhere to be found, but he was probably sulking around somewhere. Robin was weaving around the guests, trying to find his place in the crowd. Their chess table had been temporarily moved upstairs, and so his usual spot was concerningly empty. Julian stormed through the room, scoffing and almost running straight into Fanny, who he had managed to avoid for most of the day. She gave him a weary look, still unconvinced he wasn't up to something.

"You better not be planning anything." She said, pulling a characteristically Fanny face. Julian rolled his eyes and raised his hands. "I'm not! It's a little hard when you can't really touch most things." He replied, getting defensive. She hummed, giving him one last look before her eye fell on something behind him and her mouth fell open in disgust.

"Young man that table is a vintage! Use a coaster!" She futilely called out, pointing her finger and stomping over. Julian took the opportunity to slip out of the busy room, avoiding Alison and Mike- who had welcomed their last guests and were getting ready to host a speech. And though he would normally always stick around for a good speech, he had better things to do right now.

He made his way over to the kitchen, where he'd hidden the little white remote the day earlier. The remote to the sprinkler system. A devious grin spread onto his face as he warmed up his finger. This was going to be fun...

"Welcome to 2019, Theo." William said, as Captain tried desperately to get his breathing back under control. He did feel a little better, but the loud music made him want to put his hands over his ears. He was still not feeling great, the sickness making him shiver from the cold and sweaty from the heat at the same time.

"2000? And 19? Surely this is a joke... I expected better from you Lieutenant. The war may be over b-"
"No, I'm telling the truth, Theo. Look!" He said, scanning a nearby room and finding a television in it. Leading the Captain into it, he grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. He watched the Captain's eyes grow as large as saucers at the sight.

"What in the bally hell-..." He began, cutting himself off. William couldn't help but grin at it, despite the tired look on his face, this was still the same man he'd come to know so well over the past few years. William grabbed the Captain's upper arm, turning off the TV with his free hand and leading him out of the television room, and down the stairs.

The Captain was hesitant, not wanting to be any closer to the loud music than necessary, but followed William regardless. William, who felt like he had been holding his breath the entire time, was growing more anxious by the second. His decisions had led him to this point, a point where he could not get back from- he'd already brought the Captain back to the future, and told him more than he probably ought to have told. There was no bringing the man back to the past now.

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