In The Dark

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Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader


Cold, burning, numb.

  Thats all I feel right now. I have been running for 10 minutes straight. My vision is blurring, I can hardly see where I'm headed but all I know is I need to get as far away as possible from here.

Where ever here is.

  I'm in this what looks like an old, worn out building. With ragged hallways, lights flickering on and off, broken windows in every corner letting the cold icy night air come through. Trying to find a way out of this place has come to no luck. To who ever built this place did a very good job. Getting tired for what feels like going in circles my body feels so exhausted. I Lean my body to the nearest wall supporting myself while trying to catch my breath.

  Turning around letting my aching body slide down the wall. The cold wall coming in contact with my exposed cut back sending a shiver all through out my body. In only black jeans and a grey sports bra the cold wall soothes all the little cuts and bruises on my back. Slumped with my eyes closed, legs spread, head tilt back against the wall with my hand in front of me feeling tired and exhausted. I feel like shit. Having dried blood on my face feels like I fell in a puddle of cement.  

  I can't remember when the last time I had food or water in my system I feel I might pass out any given second. Trying to focus on my breathing feeling every time I inhale my lungs burn. Feeling liquid drizzle down my left arm my eyes flicker open. Once open I'm met with blood oozing out of me. Letting out a low groan "For fuck sakes," I curse to myself. The shirt I had wrapped around my bicep was drenched in blood. With trying to find a way out I had forgotten about the knife wound and now I have lost a lot of blood. "Fuck, this cant be good."

  Unwrapping the bloody shirt from my arm staining my hand red I tossed it to the side. Observing the wound, I let out a deep sigh putting my head back on the wall. " How am I supposed to get this cleaned," I said to myself, trying to find something if anything on the floor of the empty hallway. Spotting a door a few feet away from me with a sign labeled 'Medical Room' what a coincidence. I tried getting up using the wall behind me for support leaving a smudged bloody hand print in the process.

  Groaning in pain I walked... more like dragged myself to the door using the wall to balance my self leaving a trail of blood behind. Arriving at the door my wounded arm coming up to hold onto the door frame whilst I lean my forehead on the door. The process of getting up from where I was earlier and coming here took a lot more energy that I anticipated. I stood there for a second trying to get the growing headache to go away. After composing myself my right hand came up to grab the door handle but before it did I wiped my bloody hand on my pants.

    Grabbing the handle and pushing it down, but it came to a holt... great! " huh," I chuckled a joyless laugh. "Oh, I fucking love my life," I said through gritted teeth whilst laughing. Raking my hand through my hair thinking of a way to get through that door. A few seconds of thinking I got an idea. It might be a bad Idea. But it's worth a try. Taking a few steps back I raise my leg kicking the handle a few times before it comes off it's hinges. Pushing the door forward it opens, letting myself in I close the door behind me. Observing the room and it's supplies.

  Looking around the room I see medical supplies every where. I feel like heaven right now. But my thought soon gets interrupted by a pain in my left arm that sends me to the ground. Now on my knees all I see is a blur. I need to find some pain meds and some bandages before I do end up in heaven nocking on gods door or... never mind. Blinking a few times my vision is some what back but where I can see where I'm going. I find a medal tray with some gauze, bandages, and some stitches. I find some rubbing alcohol and some pain meds.  Walking over and siting on the medical bed and grab everything to stitch up the wound.

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