Guilty Pleasures*

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Scarlett Johansson x G!P Reader



My flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. No babies crying this time thank god. My friends decided to book a trip for the bachelors party. I didn't want to come but here I am, I'm doing this for my friend he's getting married and the least I can do is be there and have fun.

I doubt this week is going to be fun. The guys are probably going to get wasted and get into lots of trouble. And I am the one who always has to take care of them, which isn't fun trying to get 5 200lbs drunk men to not do anything stupid. Not my ideal definition of fun.

Now I have to find a way to get to this hotel. I pull out my phone to look at a gps. The hotel isn't that far away, so I decide to just walk it. I arrive at the hotel and into the big lobby. This is one big hotel. I notice a short blonde woman yelling at someone over the phone. She doesn't notice me walking by that she bumps into me.

She drops her bag and flyer and I am quick to help pick them up. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there" she quickly grabs her stuff, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "It alight you seem to be upset over the phone everything alight?" I ask giving her the flyer I picked up. "Yeah just my husband. He said he wasn't going to make it because something came up at work and I'm upset. This was supposed to be a vacation for our anniversary and he says he can't make it!" She puts her hand on her forehead frustrated.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Are you staying here?" I ask. "Yeah but I came here late so they gave my room to someone else. Now I don't have nowhere to stay and I don't want to go home anytime soon." She looks at me before saying "I'm sorry I don't know why I'm telling a stranger about my problems." I let out a small laugh. "It's fine, honestly. But I hope you find a solution. My check in time is in a few minutes and I don't want to miss it. It was nice meeting you..."

I pause wanting to know her name. "Scarlett" she takes my hand and shakes it. "Y/N" I say pulling away. She smiles before I walk towards the reception desk, I look down towards my flyer then turn around looking to see Scarlett is waiting for a cab. I don't know why but I excuse myself from the reception and run out the building. "Hey look, I have an extra room if you want it. I booked it for a friend but they aren't going to make it, you can take it."

I say showing her the paper. "Are sure I can just find a-" "No I insist" she smiles at me before nodding her head "okay thank you" we both enter the lobby once again. "It's fine" I say dismissing her worry. We check in and head towards the elevators. We talked all the way till we got to our rooms. "Thank you, really Y/N I don't know how I'll repay you." She says. "You don't have to worry about it. What are you going to do while you're here?" She seems to think for a few seconds shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not sure, might just stay here till I figure out something."

Don't ask me why but what I'm about do next just came out. "How about you come in?" I motioned towards my room. "Are you sure I mean I don't want to bother" she rubs her hand up and down her arm not to sure of the idea. "I mean yeah you won't bother. Also I would feel bad if you stayed in the room your whole stay. I brought some board games we can play if you want, it's alright if you don't"

She seems to be thinking for a while then coming to a decision. "Yeah sure why not. That would be fun." I smile at her before pressing the key card to the door letting it click open. I enter the room her following, closing the door behind her. I put my stuff into my room, and she leaves hers in the living area.

I bring out a random bored game for us to play, and we sit on the couch. Through out the game we got closer to each other, leading to something I didn't expect. She leaned in and so did I till our lips met. I move my hands to her waist, hers on my shoulders. She moves to straddle my hips not once breaking the kiss.

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