You're my what

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Principal Smith walks up to Jake

Fel: Great, you two have met. Green, this is Butler

Jak: Seriously? This jackass?

Fel: Yes, and language

Nic: What is going on

Fel: The reason you're back, Jake Green. You two are now, inseparable. I see one of you two without the other and both of you have detention. Got that?

Nic: What?

Jak: Are you joking?

Fel: Does it look like I'm joking?

Smith walks away

Nic: The hell is she talking about

Jak: Sit down, man

Jake and Nick go sit down together.

Jak: Jake, Green. I thought they told you too

Nic: I don't know shit.

Jak: Why where you allowed to come back?

Nic: Dad said I had to do something for the principal, he didn't say what

Jak: I'm what. You're my what

Nic: What

Jak: It ain't that difficult egghead. Jesus.

Nic: The fuck!

Nick gets his face closer to Jake

Jak: They paired us together because we would bully each other instead of other kids. Idiot. This is what they want. If we are hurting each other we aren't an actual problem

Nic: That doesn't even make sense.

Jak: It does. Think about it.

Nick goes to sit down. Switch to Jeong and Alex

Ale: What's going on you think?

Jeo: No idea. But it's kinda strange that this dude we've never seen is suddenly sitting together with Nick

Emilia and Jordan walk up to the table

Emi: Hey

Jor: Yo, What's happening

Ale: Nick found a new friend

Emilia and Jordan look up

Jor: You joking? The new kid?

Emi: Mills told us like ten minutes ago we should make friends with him

Jeo: Nick?

Jor: No MAN, the new guy

Ale: Damn, sometimes you stupid

Jeo: Shut up

They all laugh

Jeo; Why make friends with him

Jor: I don't know, he's new. Be nice, I guess. I wasn't planning on. He seems like a douche

Ale: He does, doesn't he

Jor: Maybe they'll become like best friends and we'll have two nicks

Ale: No, no. I'll drop out I swear

The bell goes

Ale: Let's go

Skip to the end of the day. Alex and Jeong are walking out the school.

Jeo: Yo, see you tomorrow

Jeong gets in his parents car.

Ale: Ciao

Alex keeps standing next to the gate. He sees Nick in the distance, Alex inhales deeply and walks up to Nick

Nic: Ah, miss me

Nick grabs Alex's head and knuckles it

Ale: Give me my phone, please

Nic: Nah

Ale: Dude. You want your money? I'ma need my phone

Nic: Why

Ale: How else am I gonna ask my dad

Nic: With words.

Ale: Dude. I need a fucking reason for fifty bucks. I'll tell him it's a festival or some shit but I need proof. SO, phone

Nic: Nope. Figure it out

Ale: Listen, Nick. Give me my phone or I go to the cops

Nic: The fuck did you say

Nick grabs Alex by his arms he takes him to the side of the building and slams him up against the wall

Nic: You want your fucking phone, you give me fifty bucks. That's the deal. You call the cops and oh boyyyyyy. You're fucking dead.

Ale: How you gonna kill me if you're in custody for aggravated assault

Nick gets his face closer to Alex, he spits in his face. Nick grabs Alex's wrist and takes off his watch.

Nic: Fine

Nick throws the phone against Alex's body and walks away with the watch

Nic: FIFTY Torres, tomorrow.

Ale: Yep

Alex sighs. He picks up his phone and wipes the spit off his face

Ale: FUCK!

Alex sits down on the floor and starts crying.

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