Mrs. and Mr. Applebaum

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Arno was in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge. "Come on, that spicy mustard hast to be in here somewhere..." he muttered to himself as he searched. The smoky Chinese kind was his favorite.

"Good morning, Karen-yo!" said a voice that made Arno's heart jump. He spun around and saw Beckie standing there, smiling at him.

"Hey, good-lookin'," said Arno with a grin. "What's with the getup?" Beckie was wearing dress shoes, black slacks, a white collared shirt and a black tie and was holding a briefcase.

"This is what I always wear to work, silly!" said Beckie.

"Work?" asked Arno.

"Of course," said Beckie. "A good woman works hard to support her husband!"


"Come on," said Beckie teasingly. "You remember our wedding day; when we became Mrs. and Mr. Applebaum."

"What?" asked Arno, getting more freaked out.

"Is my lunch ready, do-si-do?" asked Beckie.

Arno looked down and, to his horror, saw that he was wearing a dress and apron. "WHAT THE ACTUAL—"

"Arno, Karen-yo, are you getting hysterical again?" asked Beckie sympathetically. "Maybe you need to rest your bonita little head—"

Just then Arno looked up, and Pieter had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He was wearing a red devil mask that completely concealed his face.

"Arno!" he snapped angrily, voice slightly muffled by the mask. "You know what I said about wearing dresses!" Pieter reached behind his back and pulled a rifle out of hammerspace and aimed it at Arno's face.

 "You know what I said about wearing dresses!" Pieter reached behind his back and pulled a rifle out of hammerspace and aimed it at Arno's face

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"NOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed Arno in terror as his father put several milligrams of lead into his skull.

Arno van Keef sat up in bed, trembling in a cold sweat. He pulled the blanket back, and, to his relief, was still wearing boxers and a green t-shirt with 'Immaturaty: noun; a word used by boring people to describe fun people' emblazoned on the front.

Arno glanced around the room. He shivered again with dread. That dream, surreal and preposterous as it was, left a strange, unsettled feeling in Arno's gut. Was it being murdered by his own father wearing a devil mask... or something more subtle?

Arno checked his phone; it was 1:28am. He took out his headphones and plugged them into his phone and brought up the Spotify app. Arno laid back and put on a Joe Rogan episode with Snoop Dogg and laid back in his bed, starring up at the dark ceiling as he listened to the famed comedian interview the famed rapper. After about 10 minutes, Arno van Keef was back to sleep.

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