"Yes, yes, yes!"

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Callahan's Drive In Theater was located on the side of State Route 10 on a hill at the edge of town. Its business had been declining from the early 1980s until it enjoyed an unexpected rebound during the pandemic. Since then, Callahan's had rebranded itself as a 'nostalgia trip' where patrons could park and, from the comfort and privacy of their own cars, enjoy classic films from Wizard of Oz to Back to the Future on the big screen.

Beckie and Arno were at Callahan's watching That Darn Cat, a film starring Haley Mills as the owner of a mischievous cat who becomes entangled in an FBI investigation of a money counterfeiting operation. Beckie took Arno's hand, just as she had in Spanish class, and the two occasionally turned to each other and smiled. Both knew the other had something on their mind, and even suspected what it might be, but neither could bring themselves to voice it.

Finally, Arno broke the silence. "Beckie," he said.

"Yes, dulcito?" she said.

"We talk every night, we pair up on assignments in Spanish and science, and we go on dates every weekend," said Arno. "Beckie Applebaum, would you be my girlfriend?"

Beckie's face lit up. She had been planning to ask Arno to be her boyfriend that night, but she was secretly relieved that he asked her. She knew what her answer was, even if she wasn't 100 percent sure what his might be.

"Arno van Keef," said Beckie, "the answer is yes! Yes, yes, yes! I will absolutely be your girlfriend!"

Arno threw his arms around Beckie, who did the same to him, and the young couple began making out in the back of Mrs. Applebaum's Buick.

The end.

A Funny Thing Happened in Spanish ClassTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang