A New student.

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"You heard there's this new girl in school she's my ex's senior. OMG she behaves like a total weirdo and I've heard that she's a really big bitch. It's just been two days since she came and the whole school has started talking about her. And and She is kind'a hot too if you intrest." Penelope giving angela every detail about the new girl.
"Bae, not intrested. If she bitch with me she'll have a punch right in the face. You know me, I treat people how they treat me. Please not in a mood of hearing a shitty girls bio too" Angela had a ignorable response yet again.
"Megan" she said.
"What?" Angela replied.
"Her name it's megan martin" penelope informed.
"Does it look like i caree about the bitch's name?" Angela said in an annoyed manner.
Penelope changing the topic said, "Ahan! Forget the bitch. You said that you treat people how they treat you."
"Yeah so?" Angela replied with a weird expression on her face
"So what happened in my case? The hell you treat me like crabby patty?" Penelope asked.
"Hahahahahaha, a crabby patty's wrong darling I treat you like a garbage bag." Angela bursted in laughter and replied.
"GO DIE! IDK why are you my best friend." penelope said annoyingly.
"Yeahh i really need to find a new one you are getting boring." Angela teased her more. And so their conversation continued.

In the recess, walking down the hallway, Penelope said. "Look at 12 o'clock there she is, Megan."
Angela looked and encountered a really pretty face. Her eyeliner and hairstyle was on point and she looked perfect from the outside. All the guys were hitting on her asking for her number. Angela was quite impressed to see such a pretty face. But from the inside she was feeling a bit insecure.
"She's pretty though." Angela spoke.
"Yeah well on the outside she really is. Hoping the same from the inside." Penelope said.
"Highfivee." They clapped and off they went to the canteen.

-After school.
"Look at you. You're such a peice of crap. You look so ugly and fat." For the first time angela was thinking about her like this. She was always self confident and nothing ever mattered that what people thought about her. But today after seeing megan martin, she was starting to feel like this wayy.
-Okay, so wrote this one aswell. Enjoyy!!

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