A new friendship

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"It's been like two days Penelope you haven't even called me. What's wrong with you?" Angela started yelling as she saw Penelope in the hallway after weekend.
"Angela! For God Sake calm down. I was just busy with some stuff, chill out girl." Penelope said calming Angela down.
"And was that stuff Peter?" Angela passed out a sarcastic remark.
"GOD ANGELA!!! Why do you have to do that all the time? You know I'm getting sick of this attitude of yours, you need to stop that I have a life okay? I do get busy at times and I cannot keep up with you all the time. Get that? Now leave my way I have a class to attend" Penelope just busted out on her and left her stranded in the hallway wondering what happened to her.
Angela was quite a sweet girl but at times, like this one, where she didn't knew what was her mistake and she got scolded for no reason, she turns into a cold hearted bitch. Angela decided to ignore Penelope till she realises her mistake.
Walking past the hallway that day she bumped into someone and dropped all of the books she was holding on the floor she started picking up her books and didn't said a single word, she looked up and saw those magical eyes staring at her.
"You can at least say sorry" Raffael said looking at her in a tease manner.
"Sorry." Said Angela and walked towards her class
"Wooahh! Someone's seems down right now, everything okay girl?" Rafael said looking at the shocked Angela.
"Why do you even care? Can't you just be the stranger you are, and mind your own business?" Angela said to him in a quite low voice.
"For sure I can mind my own business but still I won't be a stranger to anyone. That's not really me you see." Rafael replied
"I don't care, just stay away" Angela said and rushed into the classroom.
-A Month later
It's been a whole month and Penelope hasn't tried talking to Angela, instead she's been quite good friends with Raffael and Megan. Which was quite painful for Angela but well she was good at hiding feelings. Angela wanted her best friend back but she was waiting for her to miss her.
In the recess, Angela was walking in the school ground when she heard someone yell her name.
"ANGELA?" Angela turned her back to see who it was, and she saw that pretty girl she saw a month ago, she stopped at saw her coming towards her.
"Yes?" She replied.
"I've been hearing a lot about you, and I wanted to talk about Penelope." She said in a quite friendly manner.
"Ahan? About me? That's cool, I didn't knew people actually talked about me. What do want to say about her?" Angela replied in a quite sweet tone.
"Yeah well I don't know about that, but about Penelope she's missing you like a lot. She doesn't know what she did to you, so would you just talk to her and clear all the misunderstandings between you both because I think you both can't stay away long without talking to each other. And I would really like to get to know you as well. I'm sure you're quite like Penelope cause she talks a lot about you, and she's really sweet." Megan was being quite extra friendly with her.
"I will talk to her when she tells me why she bursts out on me in the hallway, when all I did was just mention Peter. And I'd like to get to know you too. You seem nice." Angela replied really slowly.
"Alright then I'll ask her that pretty soon, and by the way would you like to get anything from the canteen, I'm starving!" Megan offered friendly
"Sure. Me too, I need to get some love, by that I mean food. I love food." Angela replied in a excited motion.
"Oh my god! We're going to be really good friends because food's my love too." Megan said.
"Hahahaha, ohh yeah, let's go!" Angela said and they both left for canteen and talked about each other's hobbies and interests. And all the things teen girls like to do.
*Well so they're friends, let's see what this friendship brings into their life, stay tuned and vote for God sakes. 😂*

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