Chapter 16

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SHE MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING TERRIBLE," Amy insisted. "That's not what she made it sound like," Kriss countered. Tuesday pulled on Kriss's arm. "What did she say again?" Janelle had been sent home. This particular elimination was crucial for us to understand, because it was the first one that was isolated and not caused by rule breaking. She had done something wrong, and we all wanted to know what it was. Kriss, whose room was across from Janelle's, had seen her come in and was the only person she'd spoken to before she left. Kriss sighed and retold the story for the third time. "She and Maxon had gone hunting, but you knew that," she said, waving her hand around like she was trying to clear her thoughts. Janelle's date really had been common knowledge. After the photo shoot yesterday, she gushed about their plans to anyone who would listen. "That was her second date with Maxon. She's the only one who got two," Bariel said. "No, she isn't," I mumbled. A few heads turned, acknowledging my statement. It was true, though. Janelle was the only girl to have two dates with Maxon besides me and America. Not that I was counting. Kriss continued. "When she came back, she was crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was leaving, that Maxon had told her to go. I gave her a hug because she was so upset and asked her what happened. She said she couldn't tell me about it. I don't understand that . Maybe we're not allowed to talk about why we're eliminated?" "That wasn't in the rules, was it?" Tuesday asked. "No one said anything to me about it," Amy replied, and several others shook their heads in confirmation.
"But what did she say then?" Celeste urged. Kriss sighed again. "She said that I'd better be careful of what I say. Then she pulled away and slammed the door." The room went quiet a moment, considering. "She must have insulted him," Elayna said. "Well, if that's why she left, then it isn't fair, since Maxon said that someone in this room insulted him the first time they met," Celeste complained. People started looking around the room, trying to discover the guilty party, perhaps in an effort to get them kicked out as well. America looked guilty but only I noticed that. I gave her a look and she went pale. I hoped the others would find out. I want her OUT."Maybe she said something about the country? Like the policies or something?" Bariel sucked her teeth. "Please. How boring must that date have been for them to start talking policy? Has anyone in here actually talked to Maxon about anything related to running the country?" No one answered. "Of course you haven't," Bariel said. "Maxon's not looking for a coworker, he's looking for a wife."

"Don't you think you're underestimating him?" Kriss objected. "Don't you think Maxon wants someone with ideas and opinions?" Celeste threw her head back and laughed. "Maxon can run the country just fine. He's trained for it. Besides, he has teams of people to help him make decisions, so why would he want someone else trying to tell him what to do? If I were you, I'd start learning how to be quiet. At least until he marries you." Bariel sidled up beside Celeste. "Which he won't." "Exactly," Celeste said with a smile. "Why would Maxon bother with some brainiac Three when he could have a Two?" "Hey!" Tuesday cried. "Maxon doesn't care about numbers." "Of course he does," Celeste replied in a tone someone would use with a child. "Why do you think everyone below a Four is gone?" "Still here," America said, raising her hand. "So if you think you've got him figured out, you're wrong." "Oh, it's the girl who doesn't know when to shut up," Celeste said in mock amusement. "I'm also a five Celeste. I'm still here.

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