~Chapter 39~

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Kira pov

His lips were on mine. I felt like I was safe forever. But in this world, theres never peace. Breaking up the kiss I looked at him. He looked back confused and then angry.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to go out on a mission??"

I turn my back at him, keeping a look out if the theif came back.

"Commander orders"

"Since when do you follow his orders??"

"Since when do you care about me following orders??"

I said, emphasizing the word "you". He looked back at me and glared.

"I cared when you left"

I glared back at him, trying my best not to smile for having him here with me.

"Would you mind if you leave?? I have a mission to complete"

"I don't think so. We gonna do this together"

I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You funny. You can be here but don't interrupt my work"

"Tch. No"

"If not then you might as well forget me"

I pulled out my knife, and put it around my neck. And what your thinking is not gonna happen. I'm not gonna kill myself. Believe it or not. I ain't stupid.

"You wouldn't"

"Try me"

I pressed the knife harder against my neck. His eyes went wide.

"Stop!! Fine I'll be by your side and I won't interrupt your mission unless you need help"

"That's what I needed to hear"

"But why wont you let me help you?"

"I want to prove to the commander that I can handle missions by myself"

He stood quite, as the wind was blowing gently. Then with what I predicted, the theif came back.

"Stay here, immq be right back"

Them he grabbed my arm, making me turk towards him.

"If you need help, call me"

"Yes mother. And I doubt I'll need it."

I pulled myslef out of his grip, and headed towards him. I pulled my hoodie, covering my face. The two big guys seem to notice me and quickly got in a fighting stance.

"Who are you!!!!"

"Someone you should know"

"But we don't know!!"

I rolled my eyes, morons. I took off my hoodie. Revealing my short black hair and my purple eyes.

"Pretty but what do you want!!?"

"Its simple. You"

I ran towards them, one of the guy threw a punch at me, but I slide under his arm. Ending up behind him. With my 'special' move, I hit his neck making him fall asleep

The other guy grabbed my hoodie from behind, lifting me up the air. Then Levi came running towards me.

"No!!! Stay back"

With that, Levi stood in his tracks. With my legs, I kicked them back and forth, until I landed on the floor. I kicked him, and kick him in the nuts.

I stood on his chest, pointing my knife at his throat. And to be exact, it was the so called 'badass'.

"What do you want?"


He glared and then took my knife and pressed against my neck. Levi them again came running towards me.


I gakred at him, as I grabbed the hand with the knife and flipped him over. I took my knife and hit him in the neck. He got knocked out.

"Are you alright??"

"Better then ever"

"See you needed help"

"Nahhhhh. I handle them easily. And levi you treat me like a child. I'm not weak. In fact I'm stronger then you."

"Prove it"

"Well remember the day we got capture??
Who was the one taking them down??"

"Not you"

"It was me!! You had your sorry ass captured!!!"

"Tch, cause I went easy on them"

"Them lies"

I tied up the tow guys and put them on Luna, I got on her and we started making or way out. Levi was of course right behind me.

We arrived at the exit with some guards standing it. When we got closer, the two guards responded.

"Who are you and what your purpose?"

"Kira hayashi and we going to the survey crops."

One of the guards took on good look at me
I was getting annoyed by his staring.

"Would you mind if you keep your eyes to yourself unless you want me to take them out??"

"Sorry but are you the so called 'dark angel'??"


I made a signal to go forward running out the entrance. Fresh air rushing through my hair.


What now?

"Kira!! Wait for me"

Slow poke

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