Chapter 24: Kids

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The 🌞 peeked from behind the ☁️ to brighten his room.  Daddy woke up to get ready for work. Later on, he is making breakfast over at the stove. Coffee like usual is smelling in the kitchen.

" Good morning Dad," I told him.

" Morning Kid," he replied to me.

Our apartments and houses are now alive and noisy. I put together our lunches in bags with our names on it. My hot chocolate is mixed and handed to me. This is copied also by the other teammates. Minutes after that our meals are ready to eat.

Breakfast is promptly served at 7:45 am. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. Soon after eating, we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

Matthew is the second oldest Kay Kid. He has one older sibling and two younger ones. Deke has mentioned that he uses tough love with him. He recently had problems in school. Also he shares a room with his brother.

The team knows that they are fond of biblical names. I 🤔 they get that from Deke. 👀 At the name that only Annie and his parents are allowed to call him. He occasionally uses it in third person when he is introducing himself.Otherwise it's always Deacon.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm California time. Everyone took out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we threw away trash in the bins.

Samuel is the third oldest Kay kid. We found out about him during their vow renewal in season 1. Sam has two older siblings. He also has one younger one. Both of them are known as middle children.

 Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. Our usual drinks were some 🍺 for the grownups and kids for the kids. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boy's vs girl's groups. Our girls and sisters cleared the tables. I wiped down every surface with a rag. Annie unpacked the dishwasher. The guys washed the dishes to refill it with the wet ones. Every kitchen is now clean.

Family time continues in front of the tv. We shared our favorite tv shows with the group. I walked over to my room to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Later on I returned to both our 🛋️ and my favorite spot. I am nice and cozy.

"Night Dad," I told him.

"Good night kid," he replied.

There's a short bathroom break. I jumped into my 🛏️. Pedro is already in my arms. Counting 🕶️ time begins right now. I am now fast asleep. Deke and Annie divided and conquered. Each parent went to their children's room. He did the boys. She did the same thing with the girls. Minutes after that they met back in their room.

Meanwhile back in the family rooms with the team still up 👀 tv. As the laughter is dying down slowly. Our tv sets and family room lights are turned off. They head to their own bedrooms. Everyone else joins me soon in dreamland for that night.

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