Confession 😍

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Is it bad that I find this picture amazing? 🤔

Credits to kakapo on Twitter!

It's confession time~! Who confessed? You or them? 🤔



You confessed to him.

Sunny kind of just like stared at you for a while because he literally couldn't comprehend what you were saying. Luckily he was able to compose himself before you were able to walk away in which he pulled you into a hug and buried his face into your shoulder.

After that he'll just cling to you for the rest of the day with this unreadable expression. It may send some mixed signals but I can promise you that he's nothing short of...neutral. ( Get it? Because he's immune to the happy emotion in the game. ..Okay I'll stop- )


You confessed to him.

Basil would nod along, smiling as normal until it sinks in. Oh my gosh did you just..? You did! Oh my gosh you did!! You just confessed your feelings to him!!!

And then, he faints.

Once he comes to he'd probably be too embarrassed to face you. He's scared that you've changed your mind and doesn't want to see your face full of disappointment. Please reassure him otherwise. It definitely take a while of convincing but once he believes you he'll give you the cutest smile you've ever seen! ( And maybe a hug too if you let him!  )


She confessed to you.

Look, Aubrey's confession was a complete accident. Sunny had stabbed you with his knife during a fight. The wound was pretty deep and she got a little wound up in the moment and spilled everything to you. You were shocked and she was embarrassed but once you confessed that you felt the same way she felt a little better about the situation.


He confessed to you.

Hero was probably the most formal with confession out of everyone. He got all dressed up, took you out, and got you gifts. He starts up a nice conversation to calm his nerves and he gives you the most charming smile ever as he tells you his feelings. You don't have to respond. It's okay to be shocked after all! Just.. Please don't take too long to answer. He doesn't know how long he'll be able to keep himself composed..


He confessed to you.

"Stop kidding around, Kel!"

Listen, this is Kel we're talking about here. For him to say something like this I just don't see anyone really believing him unless you knew beforehand about his feelings for you.

He'll really have to work to convince some of you but once you accept that he's telling the truth, ( and hopefully tell him that you feel the same way ) he'll be by your side the entire day with this big fat grin on his face.


She confessed to you.

Just a little side note; Mari took a long time to confess to you. She just couldn't settle her nerves until she thought everything was just right and that took some time. Hopefully your feelings for her haven't wane out because she probably put the most effort into her confession than anyone else. 


You confessed to her.

Again, Polly 100% dropped a plate or whatever she was holding when you confessed to her. Don't get her wrong she's really happy you feel the same but to just say it out of the blue she was a little caught off guard.


You confessed to her.


Kim acted like she couldn't comprehend what you were saying. What do you mean you liked her? She doesn't understand.

I see her kind of being the type to not believe you as well. 'No way you like her! You hahe to be lying!', she'll think with a frown. Fortunately, all it takes is a little kiss on the cheek to reassure her. After all, it's not like she doesn't like this she.. She just wanted to make sure she won't have to beat you up later is all.


You confessed to him.

This man is shocked and it's so funny. Like, imagine him in the middle of boasting about himself like usual when you, out of nowhere say, 'I really like you, Mikhael'.

He freezes, wig near flying off his head when he turns to you with wide eyes and a open mouth.

I see part of him not believing you but the other part of him being too far gone to ask you if you actually mean it or not. He's seriously ecstatic right now! You like him! Not because he had to pay you but because you genuinely want to be with him! And, right now, he really wants to hug you..!

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