Wearing their clothes 👕

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Sorry it took me so long to update this book. I've been trying to steal Mewo from @AnOmoriFanatic because they won't let me permanently borrow her- 😒

..Oh and because I published a new book. That too-

How would they react to you wearing their clothes? 🤔

Picture above was made by VITO!



When Sunny catches you wearing his usual shirt and shorts he walks over to you and hugs you from behind. You found it cute at the time but then when he didn't let go it became sort of annoying. Even so, you didn't have the heart to tell him to get off so you just went about your day with Sunny latched on your back like some kind of parasite. ( You ran across Kel at some point and he tried to hop on Sunny's back while he was still attached to you but you three toppled and ended up laid out on the hot ass sidewalk where you laid for a good hour or so because neither you or Sunny could be bothered to get up )  


Basil absolutely explodes when he catches you wearing one of his button up shirts around his house. No one has every wanted to wear his clothes before and to see his partner doing it and not being disgusted about it he just kind of..stops functioning for a while. Literally he walked to the nearest corner and just crouched down and buried his face in his hands. ( You later found him, pulled him out of the corner and gave him a hug with his shirt still on your body and he nearly passed out on you because of how flustered he was )


As soon as you walked out of Aubrey's room with her skirt on she immediately pushed you back into her room.

 "Put some pants on!" She shouts before slamming the door in your face.

It's not that Aubrey didn't find it cute that you were wearing her clothes ( She actually thought you looked really cute in her skirt ) but she doesn't feel comfortable watching you walk around town in such a short skirt. ( Even though it's literally the skirt she wears almost every fricking day but whatever- ) Feel free to wear her crop top or jacket ( Or literally any other article of clothing she has in her closet ) but if you're persistent on wearing the skirt, she'll let you. Just know that she's going to be swinging on anyone she catches looking at your legs for more than two seconds.


When Hero comes across you in his bed, snuggled up and fast asleep wearing his navy sweater this man literally squeals like a little girl. You're just So. Stinkin'. Cute!! How do you manage to have such an effect on him without even trying?? He doesn't know and to be honest, he doesn't care. ..He's actually feeling a little sleepy right now so he might as well join you, right? It's the only right thing to do in this situation.


Kel cannot stop smiling when you surprise him by wearing one of his spare basketball uniforms. ( You had to wash it beforehand because it absolutely reeked but that's besides the point- ) You two went around town with you pretending to be Kel and Kel pretending not to notice. ( You ran into the Maverick and he tried making fun of you two but after 'accidentally' hitting him in the face with Kel's basketball, he left you both alone )


Mari actually found you in the most majestic moment. You were playing the piano in her house and wearing one of her dresses. ( Along with some stockings/thigh high socks since the dress you wore was a little on the shorter side ) The song you were playing was a simple one that she had taught you and with you being so deep in concentration and the light from the window shining down on you, you looked absolutely breathtaking. ( When you finished the song, she began clapping really loudly which scared the hell out of you and nearly made you bump your head on the top board of the piano )


Polly was not expecting to find you watering Basil's plants wearing her usual outfit but she's not complaining! She's brushes off her surprise pretty quickly and walks over to you with a smile on her face. She gives you a compliment about how nice you look in her clothes and offers to help you out with watering the plants. She'd prefer it if you say yes but if you don't, she'll just do all the chores that are near you so that she can admire you from afar ( Or up close depending on what she has to do )


You've literally never seen Kim so red in your entire time of knowing her. You were just wearing her hoodie since she left it at your house but it seems to have really effected her. Literally any form of physical contact you made with her that day had her blushing and stuttering. ( It wasn't an intense stutter or anything but she did stammer a little which you found both very shocking and very cute )


You're original reason for wearing Mikhael's shirt was because you forgot to do your laundry the night prior and it was one of the only articles of clothing washed besides your guardian's clothing however, when you saw how he reacted to you wearing it, you couldn't help but tease him. He was so flustered and just didn't know what to do with himself so like Basil he simply stops functioning. ( But unlike Basil he cuddles up to you and leans his head on your shoulder instead of freaking out in the corner ) Don't get used to this though, as soon as he sees someone coming near he's back to his usual loud, attention-grabbing self. ( And it'll be even worse if Kel's the one he spots )


Thank you all so, so much for 45k reads on this book! I'm really sorry that I haven't been as frequent with updates compared to my other books but my motivation has been very split lately. When I find the time and motivation, I'll go about completing your requests but until then please bare with me! 🙏

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