Injured S/o 💚

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Found this art on Pinterest! 

If you haven't seen my recent post, let me fill you in. For the time being I will not be taking any more request for both this book and my 'Escape Reality' book and will try to focus more on completing all of the requests that I've been getting! I hope you guys don't mind this change and if you do I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience.

How would they react if they were to find out that their s/o got hurt/injured? 🤔

This was requested by @LemoonStar2! I hope I was able to meet your expectations!



You broke your arm falling off a stage.

You were performing for a talent show at your school. Of course Sunny was there to silently support you as well as your guardian and some of your other friends.

You started off wonderful at first. Besides a small mistake here and there, everyone was overall loving your performance. Towards the end, just when you were finishing up, something startled you really bad. It caught you off guard and because of how close you stood to the edge, you ended up falling off and..yeah.

You were, understandably, mortified about the entire situation and simply wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. Sunny however, didn't care much about your performance now because he was way more focused on your wellbeing. ( You should've seen his face when you fell, baby was absolutely terrified ) He's always visiting you ( Not that he didn't do that prior to you breaking your arm ) and even if he doesn't say much during his visits, he does at least comfort you and help you out whenever you need it. ( Oh yeah, and he's banned you from ever getting on a stage again. He won't allow something like this to happen a second time )


You broke your foot falling down a flight of stairs.

Okay so this was entirely your sibling's fault. ( Or at least that's what you like to tell yourself ) Basil was ringing the doorbell and you were rushing to door when you step on your sibling's ( Item of choice ), slipped, and went tumbling. Luckily you braced yourself in time so you didn't die ( Like a certain someone.. ) but you did manage to break your foot when you attempted to stop yourself from tumbling.

When Basil found out he cried so much. So much ptsd hits him in the face and it overwhelms him to the point it causes a breakdown. ( Which really didn't help because you were kind of laid out, in pain, waiting for someone to call for help ) He also didn't visit you for a week or two either because of all of the horrible memories that came flooding in. Basil simply needed time to collect himself.

When he finally visited you, he brought you some flowers and apologized for his absence and since you were just glad that he was there, you forgave him rather quickly. ( And gave him a hug which resulted in him being very red for a while )


You fractured your hand getting into a fight. 

See, this wasn't your fault. You were just minding your business and shopping when you spotted your favorite snack. They had been out for stock for a while now so you were really happy to see them in Othermart.

Anyways, as you were grabbing the snack, the last one on the shelf might I add, this other kid comes out of nowhere and grabs it too. Now, you were planning on being nice and let them have it but then the kid started being rude so you were like 'f that' and tried to take the snack for yourself but it resulted in you getting smacked in the face.

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