Them with a s/o who loves to take care of people 🧡

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I love this artist their Omori fanart is so cute in my opinion! <3

Look at me not completely abandoning this book after posting a chapter- 🤩


How would they deal with a s/o who loves to help others? 🤔



Sunny admires how kind of a person you are but he really worries about you sometimes. You're always so busy helping and pleasing others that you tend to overlook your needs and such. And so, he's decided to take on the role of always helping you. No matter what you say or do, he's always going to help you out in some way or another. He's very stubborn when he puts his mind to certain things like this so good luck trying to convince him to stop.


Basil is like a worried mother. He thinks that it's wonderful that you love to take care of others so much but what about yourself? You need to be taken care of too..

Basil is always trying to lighten your load and often avoids asking you for any kind of help. Your schedule is already so full with things to do and he doesn't want to add onto it. If you end up helping him anyways he's going to apologies nonstop for the inconvenience and it's going to take some time to calm him down. ( He's so precious )


 "Sit down."

 "But Aubrey I have to--"

 "Don't care. Sit down."

Aubrey loves your caring nature ( It's one of the things that made her fall in love with you ) but she's not going to let you overdo it because it's 'the right thing to do' or whatever. If she thinks you're doing too much/have too much on your plate, she's going to make you rest and if somebody has a problem with you resting and taking care of yourself, don't worry. She'll handle it. :)


Hero literally swoons every time he sees you helping someone out. He thinks he's the luckiest man alive to get to date someone like you! ( Although it kind of reminds him of a certain someone.. ) Since you're always helping others, he thinks it's only right to pamper you whenever he gets the chance to. I'm talking messages, gifts, your favorite snacks and, of course, affection! No matter how much you tell him that he doesn't have to, Hero will always spoil you. ( It's what you deserve for being such an awesome person in his opinion! )


Kel is kinda jealous ngl. You're always out and about running errands and such for others that you often don't have time to just chill and hang out with him. ( Not that hanging out with him is in any way chill but you know what I mean ) He's always so pouty with you but surprisingly he doesn't complain as often as one would think he would. He understands that you love seeing people pleased and happy after doing something for them and he'll ( for the most part ) stay out of your way and let you do your thing. Just know that as soon as you even think of resting, Kel will be there to cling to you and demand your attention.


Mari understands the want to help others because she's often helping people herself however, that doesn't stop her from telling you to rest every once in a while. She'd prefer it if you were to take her advise but if you choose not to, she won't stop you. She'll let you work yourself until she thinks you're getting overwhelmed and then step in again and when that happens, she's not going to take no for an answer.


Polly loves how you always want to help others because she can relate to that in a certain way. That being said, she doesn't attempt to stop you in anyway. She'll go about her days as normal, waiting for the day you finally decide to rest and come visit her. When that day comes, she'll serve you a hot comfort meal and give you all the cuddles, praise, and kisses you want. And don't worry, she doesn't mind doing this if it's what you want. She's actually pretty happy to do this for you since it's not often that you ask someone for help. <3


Kim thinks you should be forcing people to pay you for your service but whatever-

Kim loves you but don't think for a second that she's going to let you work yourself to the brink of exhaustion just because someone else needs help. She doesn't care what you have to say on the matter, she's going to get you to rest. If someone has a problem with that, she doesn't mind telling them off. ( If they really need to do something that badly, they should just do it themselves instead of expecting someone else to do it for them ) She may not outright say it but you mean a lot to her and it hurts her heart to see you overwork yourself so she'd rather shut everything down completely and have you be mad at her than that happening.


Pfft. Good luck trying to get anything done when he's around. Similar to Kel, I see Mikhael growing jealous of how much time you spend helping others; However, unlike Kel he's not afraid to stop you from doing whatever you're doing and be the clingy bitch he is. He will get your attention one way or another and if he doesn't he's going to make a big deal about it which'll probably gain your attention anyway. Safe to say that if you didn't love him so much you would've probably slapped him by now. ( And if you're that type of person, you might just slap him anyway )

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